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A follow-up to "No son, you don't have to pay rent this month" post a few weeks ago

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Well, SS22 never paid RV rent on 3/15.
3/28 - DH text SS22 asking for rent money.
3/30 - SS22 told DH that he could probably pay $200-$300 towards RV rent.
3/31 - I text SS22 "just touching base w/you to see when you plan on bringing the RV money by". SS: "I'll try to bring it by on Monday".

Well, DH admits he was wrong?!

TM9366's picture

Over the weekend, we had SS11 (after his mom was found usconscious in her home, while he was playing video games), and me and DH were talking Saturday night while the two boys were playing ladderball. So he actually admitted he was wrong in trying to make it fun on the weekends SS11 when he's here. That he hasn't been the best dad/parent in teaching SS11 common sense, responsibility, etc. That he has been wrong in always taking his son's side when he's here, vs. having my back when I tell/ask SS11 to do anything. DH said he's going to try to do better....hmmmm, will see.

Biomom found Unconscious..and other stuff... Grounds for Custody?

TM9366's picture

So today SS11's biomom didn't show up for work, some coworkers called SS22 (her older son) to see if anyone has heard from her. No one has, so SS22 called Granny (biomom's mom) to go check on her, and apparently she was unconscious in her room due to diabetes issues and my SS11 lives in the house but he never noticed she was unconscious or that he needed to call 911.

No son, you don't have to pay your rent to us this month!? HUH??

TM9366's picture

Our oldest boy, SS22, has been living in our RV 5th wheel for a while, maybe 8 months now. SS22 works on a boat, makes good money (when he works). SS22 pays $600 to the RV park, and $400 to us towards the RV payment. So anyway, SS22 called DH on Friday the March 11th saying he was just laid off from work. UGH. My immediate thought was "laid off"? or got fired?? (SS22 has been written up and suspended a few times at his work for whatever reasons. And we found out SS22 has been paying his ex girlfriend $400/mo for whatever reason.

Why does BioMom not teach her kid anything?

TM9366's picture

My DH ex (biomom) does not parent SS11. They divorced when he was 5. I've known SS11 since he was almost 6. And during that time, biomom didn't do anything at all to parent this kid. Biomom pretty much still does everything for him as if he were still 5 years and helpless. Did she just give up at trying to teach him how to become a future functioning member of society? Since he's been coming to visit here, and since she hasn't taught him much, it's up DH (and me sometimes) to do a lot of it - which kinda makes us the bad parents.

But You knew he had kids....You knew what you were getting into.....Truth: I had no clue it was gonna be this hard

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But did I really know what I was getting into??? No, I didn't! As a single mom, marrying a man with kids, I thought no big deal. We'd marry, live together, I'd have my little happy "family", and see his kids every now and then per the paperwork. But it's not all what I thought I'd be. Here's a great article I found that has helped me in knowing there are others out there feeling the same.


Did you really know?? [from]

I've officially disengaged

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Yesterday I told my DH that I will be disengaging and that DH is responsible for all of SS11's needs, etc. It's the only way I can think of that will help our arguing when SS is always around. I also think it will help me mentally as well. I want to be happy and enjoy my home, and by me not "caring" so-to-speak about SS's needs, this should free me up from nagging, policing, correcting him, and will also keep me from going behind him cleaning up every little damn mess he makes. Not my kid, not my problem. Wish me luck!!

WTH? How dare I tell his son to go outside?!#

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OMG I so need to vent! Geez, what is wrong with me telling my SS11 to go outside to find something to do?? [Just a bit of background, my SS11 is overweight, 132 pounds and wears men's 32 waist pants. Three different doctors says he obese. We get no help from biomom. When he's at her house, he does nothing but watch tv and/or play video games.] OK, so SS has been here since Sunday evening, (Cause husband wanted him here so he's not at his mom's work all spring break playing video games). And this entire time, he's done nothing but play video games, hmmm....
