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SD 15 annoys me, I don't know why?

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This is the 3rd year of SD living with us, to start it was great, we had a good relationship, blah, blah, blah. Now, I just get irritated if she hasn't done her chores, or doesn't walk her dog or leaves her shit everywhere. I'm not perfect btw. DH and I have been trying for a baby (after a vasectomy reversal ) to no avail. I blame him a lot, and I'm wondering if my negative attitude towards her is jealousy. Some days I wish she would move back with her mother. I leave DH to deal with her now, but I feel as though she blames me. Does this make sense to anyone out there?


racey80's picture

Ok, so it hasn't been that long since disengaging (a matter of days) BUT I feel great, I feel free of a hideous burden, I'm happy, happy, happy!

I'm actually really happy that DH understands and supports my decision to disengage fro SS19 and SD13.

In my head i'm planning what to get family and friends for christmas, and they are NOT on the list. I don't have to plan "fun" and "inclusive" activities for the holidays, I don't have to be that woman in desperate need of gaining friendship from my ungrateful SKIDS!

Yuss, Yuss and Yusss!

I don't Owe You a THING!

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Why do SKIDS think they are entitled?
When I say entitled, I mean, entitled to MY money, entitled to MY time, entitled to MY care, entitled to anything that's MINE?

I bought SD15 an iPad, she needed a learning device for school, she's been living with DH and I for 2 years now.
SS19 (Uni) and SD13(living with BM) both happened to be staying for the weekend, they both kicked up such a shit, said I was disrespectful and just a GIRL that married DH, WTF?

What a load of crappola.

Game of Chess

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So, I have decided that disengaging is a bit like chess. For so long DH and I have been the pawns in a torrid game between, MIL, BM, SIL and at time SD12 and SS18.
I disengaged from BM ages ago (without even realising) and then MIL just recently due to offering a place to stay over christmas to BM. I brought DH in on the disengaging secret, who at first thought it was un-intentional, then due to recent dramas has realised it is completely intentional and the drama has been in his life for a long time.

Game of Chess

racey80's picture

So, I have decided that disengaging is a bit like chess. For so long DH and I have been the pawns in a torrid game between, MIL, BM, SIL and at time SD12 and SS18.
I disengaged from BM ages ago (without even realising) and then MIL just recently due to offering a place to stay over christmas to BM. I brought DH in on the disengaging secret, who at first thought it was un-intentional, then due to recent dramas has realised it is completely intentional and the drama has been in his life for a long time.

Discussion with DH

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So, we dropped SD14 off at the airport for a 6 day visit with BM, which was nice for her, and nice for us. ('us' time is always nice)
As we were traveling home, I discussed with him how I was going to disengage from his mother, and the reasons why ( previous assistance from another member), and after explaining my reasons, he accepted why, and how I was going to do it, and he actually saw my perspective which was great.

We will see how we go.


racey80's picture

Well not everything is a moan is it...I attended my SD14's Graduation today, she graduated with excellence which was brilliant, I actually screamed as though I was at a Rock Concert! Very proud day for us both, as it is her first year living away from BM. Bought her a lovely pair of earrings, and took her out for a yummy dinner. Still so very proud.

Sounds like DH is having a text battle over her decision to let BM stay at her place. I'm staying out of it, don't GAF (give a f***). }:)

Mother in - law

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I really feel like texting my Mother in-law with the following texts;

1) So I hear you ex-daughter in-law is coming to stay, how lovely,maybe soon you will have 2 ex-daughter in-laws.
2) How nice of you to house a woman that damn near ruined two of your children, well done.
3) A+ for you on trying to be the 'Martyr'.
4) Don;t bother showing up at our wedding party.
5) I thought you understood what loyalty meant.

Gosh I have so many more, totally annoyed and pissed off! }:)