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1day@atime's picture

Ok so if you read previous posts, you'll see that I am on the verge of moving out bc I can't stand SS10 any longer.

So my DH and I can't ever have a conversation without it getting heated because there are so many emotions invovled. I took off for a drive so I could get away and cry uncontrollably. I decide to park my car in a park. Only to have a cop come up to my window. I rolled the window down asked "Have I done anything illegal??!". The officer responded that indeed had, because the park closes at 10pm and they've been having some vandalism issues. I just told him I didn't know because I just moved here. He asked me if there was any reason that I was so confrontational. I told him I had gotten into a fight with my husband and just wanted to be alone. Somehow mustering out that sentence made me start to cry again. I'm not sure if he noticed I am almost 8 months pregnant or not, but I then got the impression he felt sorry for the nutjob that I am. How embarassing. And how revealing. I was confrontational. What an attitude I had originally given him. It just proves what my environment and situation is bringing out in me and effecting me. I am an angry bitch one second, and the next second I'm a puddle of tears. I was seriously wondering if he made some kind of note on my license to proceed with caution when approaching Nut Job. Anyway, crazy crying pregnant lady gets busted in the park after hours. Move aside, drug dealers!


Caligirl's picture

Hopefully you will laugh about this in years to come! I don't know too many women that are 8 months pregnant and are not an emotional mess.

bren1981's picture

This is just my opinion, and you may not like it, but here it may have many issues with SS10, but wait to make any major change/decision in your life until 12 weeks after this new miracle is born. While the issues may still present themselves, honestly honey, the emotions you feel are 80% hormonal from your pregnancy. Could you handle SS10 issues better and communicate more effectively before you were pregnant? Please, sweetie, give it time. Your DH has no clue what's hitting him, just as you have no clue how to control it. Peace will will be able to handle these issues, and it won't take moving out. If you love DH and DH clearly loves you, then bide time and focus on you - that's what you need right now, so close to your due date!!!

1day@atime's picture

I hear you. I'm actually not planning on moving out until a month after baby is born. And actually I've been having issues with SS10 for years. I've been even worse emotionally when I wasn't pregnant. Yeah I'm an emotional mess pregnant or not. Unfortunately. I'm just finally trying to make a change bc we're bringing another child into this world (already have a 3 year old with my husband) and I want PEACE.