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He's Baaaack . . .

1day@atime's picture

SS10 is back from his 8 week visit at his Mom's. Apparently he walked in on his Mom and her on/off boyfriend having sex. He called her a whore. Even though I concur, it is disturbing to me that he spoke to her that way. Yet, I doubt he would ever speak to me that harshly. She's partly to blame. Not for being caught in the act with her boyfriend, but for having a boundary free relationship with her son. See, his anger stemmed from her contradictions. She would confide in him that her boyfriend (who is the father of her 3 year old) is a drunk loser and she's going to leave him. She moved out once. And moved back in. She said she was going to leave him again. So to him not only does she look like a liar, but she looks like she's staying with him for financial reasons. So, I suppose whore is the appropriate term, but not out of the mouths of babes. I think he's finally realizing she's not a victim. I just hope his anger towards her is dealt with in a healthy way, because there's nothing scarier than a man with Momma issues! My husband and I plan on bringing him to my counselor.

Speaking of counselor, I have my second appointment this Monday. I'm very excited because the first appointment was kind of an intake of information. I hope things get better than before SS10 left. I'm going into this expecting positive changes Smile
