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AnnoyedGirl's Blog

I sometimes wonder...

AnnoyedGirl's picture

...why men are so gullible.

Seriously, can anyone please explain this to me, because I am somewhat fed up and perplexed. My BF just filed for custody of his 4 year old, whom at the moment lives with him, and randomly gets picked up at her leisure,or whenever she feels guilty enough to go pick him up, if guilt exists at all for that girl. In any case, first reaction when she got served, was of course rage, rant, angry emails, etc.


AnnoyedGirl's picture

Very confused, new to this (BM drama, custody cases, etc), dating single dad. I've read through many threads here and concluded that we all share the same frustration...THE CRAZY PATHOLOGICAL LYING MANIPULATIVE EX BM/EX!!!

I'll keep it short and simple for you all. I'm 27, never been married, no kids, baggage free. He's 31, lived with ex/BM for 4 years, has a 4 year old son. We've been dating since January and so far so good. Couldn't ask for more.