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areyoukiddingme's Blog

Please Wipe Feet Here...

areyoukiddingme's picture

This is what DH should have written om his forehead. This saddens me but I have learned after trying to help a number of times and been pushed away because what I was saying could not be accepted. I can only pray and hope that some day, before its too late, it will all dawn on DH.

I'm about ready to just check out....

areyoukiddingme's picture

Things have been a struggle lately. I just learned that my mom is getting married at the end of this year. That's not the big problem with this situation. It's more the fact that she is getting married 800 miles away. This not only makes things hard for us but me specifically. I am having a really hard time with the expectation of travelling that far with my family, paying for travel, food lodging, etc. And on top of that SD16 wants to come. I don't want for her to come. Every time she does anything with my family, it always turns out bad.

How many SM's have gone or go to counseling because of their SD or SS?

areyoukiddingme's picture

So, I made the decision to disengage last summer. It has been a bumpy ride but I am better at dealing with things than I once was.

Lately, things are just getting crazy again and SD16's entitlement is showing through brighter than ever. DH is enabling her by cleaning the snow off of her car, taking her car to get gas, folding her laundry and numerous other things that she more or less expects/asks him to do.

SD16 has almost everything handed to her and still expects everyone to drop everything.

areyoukiddingme's picture

So, SD16 texts me this morning shortly after I get to work.

SD: Are you working?
Me: Yes.
SD: Until When? My windshield wipers need to be changed and Step Daddy (not his real name) has new ones for my car and I couldn't see anything when I was driving and I don't want to drive home like that so I was going to drop if off at moms for the weekend after school but I get out at 11 and I wondered if you could pick me up.

I did not pick her up.

Reflecting on the last so many months since I disengaged. Just a quick little rant...

areyoukiddingme's picture

I pray every night that my children will be nothing like SD16. This last summer I decided to disengage because DH was making SD16's issues my problem, sending me spiraling towards depression quickly. Once I started to disengage and make DH responsible, things got complicated but started to straighten out the longer I stood firm on my position.

DH frustrates me!!!

areyoukiddingme's picture

So Friday night BM calls saying that she's not sure what SD16 told us about who she was going to hang out with. BM and her husband came home from camping due to him getting called into work. When they got there, they see SD16 running out of the house and find a boy in her room. This boy said that he was just there to pick something up and that SD16 was at her dad's (our house). BM catches SD16 and gets her to come back to the house. DH tells BM that SD16 was supposed to be camping with BM that night and over the weekend.

BM cant afford school clothes but just bought a new camper.

areyoukiddingme's picture

Hmmm. SD16 has been complaining about having to buy "all" of her own clothes for school. We help her out with gas, school fees, etc. But we can't afford to just give her $100+ for school clothes. We have 2 other kids (my bio kids) as well to take care of. And they didn't even get all new clothes and stuff for school.

The other night when this issue came up again, along with all of the other things that SD16 "has to" pay for (ie: the things that she wants but doesn't need) she also mentioned that BM won't give her any money for school clothes either.
