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clover1981's Blog


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Ok, so we're not together anymore. We've talked a LOT these past few days, and I've still gone to his house to hang out. I adore his kids, and his 2yo adores me. he's always climbing on me and hugging me if he's gone even one day without seeing me. it's funny and cute all at the same time. J has also started not spoiling his son as much. he still lets Z sleep with him, but is much more willing to stand up to Z when 2yo acts jealous. I was over there last friday, and J went to take a nap, leaving me up with Z. this was HUGE. he's NEVER done that before.

Same old, Same old argument

clover1981's picture

So I'm dating a guy that has 2 is 13 and the other is almost 3. I've been feeling very left out and unwanted lately, because "daddy" and I don't get much alone time together, because of his kids. I adore his kids, even though "daddy" and I haven't been together long. we've talked about marraige, and we both figure that we'll be getting married someday. I'm basically here to get some support and ideas on how to deal with this. I went to J with my problems about feeling unwanted, and he took that to mean that I'm jealous of his kids.