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OMFG BM on family vacay with FDH's family!

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:jawdrop: They didn't even ask us nor did she infor us the kids were going 6 hours away. b
BM and her boy toy of the week are on a vacation with aunts at there beach house! Im not at jealous she is there and I'm not but she's the ex! I'm like the cast out when it comes to his family minus FIL and his grandmother. While they treat her like a god knowing she lied and had him believe he was the father to two children that aren't even his!

FDH can't have kids....

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Turns out not only are the children not his but when he went through kimo treatment it made him sterile! So here I am with an honorable man that wants to be there for the children he raised as his own and I'm being a part time mother to two children that aren't even his! I can't even have hopes for children of my makes me sad I know he can't controll it but it hurts. And also he keeps saying he loves them the same but if he has no actual tie to them and almost everytime they come over he says not in the mood for the kids I miss them but I don't want them all wkend!

SD 4 said SD 1 is adopted!

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SD 4 has said lots of things I've found odd. Let me get your opions.
Oh newest info SKids are told BM new DH is daddy and call him papa. Or how ever you'd spell how kids say dad in German!
I want to be at my real house.
My daddy is a bad bad man and does bad things.
I don't want to be with you daddy you broke my mommys hurt and I love her and she loves me more.
My sister is adopted.
My I love my mommy and papa! He's my dad!

BM went from mega B**CH to just plain B**CH

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So after Easter, when she threw her hands up at me and stared me down I'd have enough. Then the following wkend which was our turn with her children she has the nerve to ask an hour before we pick them up can you get them an hour early. FDH responds with no but you can drop them off befor I'm suppose to get them. Well FDH was in the shower when BM pulled up. SD4 was crying as usual to not come she wants to be at her real house blah blah blah....BM turns around gives me a dirty look won't give the youngest to me and tells SD4 go find daddy. Really WTF is that about? So I sent BM a txt.

Disengaging HELP

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I am trying so hard to disengage and have me time. ( FYI I finalley got my car back and he fixed his truck. ) Well I've been telling him for months wash your kids sheets there rm smells like piss. I open there window and light a candel daily. He won't do it so I finalley did. Unless I make him he won't bathe them while there here. He will let his youngest run in a piss diaper half the damn day. First thing I do is get the youngest changed right when we get them from BM because we have got the youngest with blisters numerous times.

FDH says I need mental help.

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I so I have been through a lot growing up. Dad left me when I was no more then 10 and told me he has a new little girl on the way didn't need me any more, molested by a family member while growing up which was blamed on me for not saying anything and ruining the family, told I was not allowed to be fat and ugly weighing under 90 pounds, beat by my Stepfather and ect. It is now hard for me to gain trust back right away for obvious reasons. FDH lied about something small but in my eyes if you can lie about something small you can lie about something big.

Can't Handel much more!

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So I busted my but cleaning the house extreamly good and it's dirty in three days. It's not hard to pick up after your self why can't men just be self sufficent. At that on mothers day he says nothing to me. No I am not there BM but I bath them untill recently did all there laundry clean after them do arts and crafts with them all while SD4 is a shit head to me and I get nothing. I'm not expecting a gift but a hey thanks for all the work you do. BM is still a mega bit*h to me so I sent a very mature text explaing that her behavior is childish and it needs to stop it's been a year.

Not about a stepkid but a drug addicted nephew

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Ok so I know I'm not his mom but I helped raise the kid. When my step sister had the kid she was 16 and would go out all night. Being that my room was next to his I helped raise him for the mast majority of his early life. Let me add I was in middle school. So in a sense I am very protective and want him to always do the right thing. He has posted pictures of him smoking pot doing ex and many more on Facebook. Was mad at me for tellin him to watch his language and stop posting hat stuff it's disrespectful to he family. He has all the aunts and uncles and family friends on his friends list.

Are we expecting to much of a four yr old

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So FDH and I expect SD4 and a half to dress her self. We pick the out fit with her and she gets dressed. To eat all her dinner, which isn't a lot, by the time were done. We cook her food give it to her then cook ours to sit down and eat. And to have basic manners at the very least 60% of the time.

I want to explode.....

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So I do all the cleaning and laundry. I finalley stood up for my self and said hey this is bullshit those kids aren't yours. No longer will I do there laundry or clean there room you want them you need to be taking care of them. Kids got here this weekend with no clean clothes and piss sheets to lay on. I feel horrible for the kids but I want to stand by what I believe. And that's I'm here for him not the kids. Yes I'll be nice to them, big step for me, but I am not doing all the motherly chores. I am not there mother and I am here to help not make it where he does nothing.
