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Evil Step Witch of OZ's Blog

Family Court Thursday

Evil Step Witch of OZ's picture

So family court is almost here. Thursday is the day we will find out what is happening with custody with SD6. I hope the magistrate realises that she is better off with her BF and me. Can’t believe BM wants to up root her once again. When is this kid going to get a brake? When are WE going to get a brake!
SD’s teacher has written a letter for me, stating how well she is going at school, my employer as written me a letter stating how detrimental it would be to his business should I be forced to leave the company due to relocation.

Mother's Day - nice start - not so nice end

Evil Step Witch of OZ's picture

Mothers day started off really nice with SD6 waking me up with a “Happy Mother’s Day” and then two cards she made and some gifts. We spent a few minutes together and I started to make bacon and eggs as DH was at work. I wanted to call my mum for mother’s day and that when it started. She cracked the shits because I was on the phone to mum. Mum asked me what we were going to do today, I didn’t have anything planned. She suggested a girlie day with SD so I suggested that to SD.

Happy Days

Evil Step Witch of OZ's picture

SD Is very excited about mother’s day this year. She has bought something for me from School (Mothers Day Stall) and seems very smug about it all. She’s still in the process of making the card that I “just cannot see” of course lol
I think this mother’s day is going to be a great one. BM is no where around to spoil it for everyone or to put the guilt’s on SD.
Got a promotion at work today... life is looking up Smile

So proud!

Evil Step Witch of OZ's picture

When I got home from work today DH tells me that SD has an award from school for neat writing etc, I was very proud of her. She also forgot to bring it home but once I get it I will be putting it up on the wall. SD and I still have our moments where we clash but things seem to be going well at the moment.
I would like some advice on one topic. SD has asked to call me mum but before you Bios go crazy read the story first.

Great Week

Evil Step Witch of OZ's picture

So what a great week with SD. She has done really well at school, learnt all her new words and has read me her book every night before bed. I think I am making good progress with her. We seem to be getting along a lot better since she came back from BM house. She said she missed daddy and I, so nice to hear, and we missed her. We are now watching to royal wedding together... she can’t believe that there really is a Prince and Princess which is really cute. Tomorrow may hold an even better day with some baking and maybe head down to the beach for a while with the family and the dog.