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marissamae88's Blog

vent! has nothing to do with skids.....boobs do come up so beware

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OMG I am soooo sick of my job!!!!!!! My boobs are an F cup and it is extremely hard to cover them up because regardless of what I do you still know they are huge so really there is no hiding them. My manager comes up to me to tell me I dress inappropriately?? Really I do? Last week I saw my coworker wearing a corona tank top yes tank top and the other coworker wearing a playboy bunny t shirt but my vneck t shirts and jeans are a bad idea?? We are a very very very casual office. No dress code or anything there is only like 4 of us working here.

It feels like I am in hell

marissamae88's picture

So I posted a blog about how I was leaving and I am woman hear me roar type stuff and I am still in this crazy relationship. I called around to get a place and um...well my credit isnt amazing so I need to get that straightened and also I love him f*** I hate that part. Well yesterday was mediation for custody. Right now we have the boys full time and she only gets one hour every other week supervised. She now wants joint custody and no supervision. I thought that was bonkers. She is crazy if she thinks she is getting right.

Anyone else have these issues when dealing with stress?

marissamae88's picture

When I was younger the thought of giving an oral presentation made my stomach hurt so bad I thought I was going to vomit. That was the only time stress ever manifested itself into a physical sickness. I am in the process of leaving my SO and looking for a new place to live. Everytime the clock gets close to five and I have to go home my stomach hurts so bad that I feel ill. When I left my fiance years ago I had such bad ailments. My hair literally fell out, my stomach hurt, and I didnt want to eat. I lost 20lbs and was really sad.


marissamae88's picture

If anyone has read my other blogs you will know I have decided to leave. I am looking for a new place to live. Over the weekend I told the sskids that their father wanted them to go with their grandmother to church if his sister gave her a ride. If she was taking the bus do not go with her. I explained this to them. My second to oldest ss called and was asking if she was going to church. I said no ss ask her if she is getting a ride. My oldest ss said to me WOW You really want us out of here. I was soo upset by that comment I had to leave the room.


marissamae88's picture

So I have decided I am really leaving. I can't and I am more than torn up about it. Anyone know any step moms who have left and regretted it? I dont know if I will regret it but I love my SO alot but I feel like its not worth what I am putting into it. I need some encouragement please

Contemplating my departure sorry its long

marissamae88's picture

I have thought about leaving before but I always end up staying because I really love our family.But I am getting to the point where my relationship is really non existent and my relationship with the kids is the only thing thats good. I feel like he doesnt care if I am in or out. I dont feel appreciated or loved anymore. I dont think I am a priority and ya know what I shouldnt just be a priority I think I should be top notch number 1 priority. We had trouble with his oldest son in the beginning but lately he has been great.

?? Confused

marissamae88's picture

I have four skids and the two younger ones (ages 4,2) stay with their grandma during the day while we are at work and the other boys at school.By the way grandma lives in our same complex. Yesterday when I came home they were still with her and at the park playing. I guess she went inside the apt and this other kid peed on my poor little 2 year old!!!!!!!!!! I was sooo upset. He came to me instead of his grandma's and said Nikki peed on me. I took him and went to find this disgusting kid. I asked the boy if he did it and he said no. Other kids at the park said yes he did.

Weekend blues part 2

marissamae88's picture

So yesterday we found out that BM wants spousal support and join custody. She has supervised visits right now because the kids were taken away when she gave birth to the youngest because he had meth in his system!! She was doing drugs while pregnant!! So she wrote this whole long statement about how its all my SO's fault she did drugs and cannot support herself. She said he gave her no possible way of getting mechanical skills to get a higher pay check. My SO put her into massage therapy school and his sister cosigned her school loan.

Weekend blues

marissamae88's picture

So this weekend was supposed to be a lot of fun and some of it was. My oldest skid had a softball tournament that started at 6:45 am!!!!!!! Who does that? Anyway it was a blast to see him batting and meeting the other moms at the event. Made me feel like a real mom lol. We get home and I put the little ones down for a nap not to mention I need a nap. I told the oldest that he could go outside and play. He goes and comes back in and starts watching a show that he isnt allowed to watch and by the way he just got off punishment like two days ago. So I told him no more t.v.


marissamae88's picture

Okay so my SO's best friend has five kids and a bunch of different BM's. I do not care for this guy at all. He is rude, disrespectful, obnoxious, and just plain gross. When I first met him he tried hitting on my in front of my SO! My SO just laughed it off but to me thats not funny and he isnt a great friend if he would do something like that. Anyways I am getting off topic lol. I read here a lot about SMs that have teenage kids that are doing really poorly in school and I was wondering if anyone had of this excuse. My SO's friend has a son that is 15.
