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Bluebonnet's Blog

I have a feeling things are gonna get very nasty tonight

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First thing this morning, found this e-mail from my step daughter-in-law on my work e-mail:

Hi Bluebonnet,

Just wanted to let ya'll know that we will be having a birthday party for Grandskid#4 at Peter Piper Pizza on Sunday February 27th at 12 noon. We would love it if you guys could join us. Grandskid#4 would be excited to see you. We hope that you could make it!

Love you,
Step Daughter in law.

The day the music died

Bluebonnet's picture

We'd had difficulty over the last year and half with the family situation. Nothing really major - just little irksome things. Grandskids being brats, skids being petty, lies being told by adults - you know the everyday things stepfamilies get to enjoy.

Last summer, as usual, the three older grandskids were to come for 5 days. SS thought youngest grandskid was too young (3) but promised to bring him. Oldest grandskids are 14, 12 and 6 then.

Death of a BM

Bluebonnet's picture

Over the 30 years, BM and I had a rocky relationship, I won't lie to you. I did not meet her until East Texas and I had been married three years. Part of the reason was because we moved to South America shortly after we married.

I met her in my home and, yes, I fully understand how some of you feel about BM coming into your home for I felt the same way. I had no idea I was so territorial. :O

Out of the darkness and into the light

Bluebonnet's picture

Long time lurker - first time poster. Waves hello to all!

I've lurked here for the last 6 months or so. I've laughed with you, cried with you and shared your joys and misery. So I decided to step into the light.

I am a stepmother of 34 years. Lord that sounds like a long time, doesn't it?

I have a SD 40 and a SS 39 no bios of my own. We were noncustodial parents back in the day when the BM was automatically awarded physical custody.