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ConfusedStep's Blog

My "Oh crap" moment

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So DH and I were in the car with our son and newborn daughter when a song came on that I absolutely hate. So I asked DH to turn it off because I don't want the kids to listen to that garbage. Then I put my foot in my big mouth and said "Plus, you have a daughter now".


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OMG, am I the only one who thinks 5 1/2 is too old to be crying for no damn good reason? We got to MIL's house where DH's daughter is staying for a little bit. DH's niece told his daughter to give our son (3) a toy that I didn't think he should be playing with, so before she even touched it, I said "no, don't give that to him". I'm disengaged unless it involves/affects our son.

Calm before the Storm?

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I need input from you ladies (and gents). So baby fever has pretty much taken over my life for a little while now. We have an almost 22 month old and we decided that maybe we could start trying for another baby in the middle of next year, if the circumstances are right when that time comes, of course.
I've thought about pretty much everything - finances, what stage of development our son will be at that time, how we'll include him, etc. - but I didn't think about one thing until it struck me recently... weekends.

Am I crazy?

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I've been thinking about what we're doing this Xmas because last year was a disaster that I don't want to repeat. Anyway, I decided that we should take a mini trip so our son can go to the amusement park and we can have some couple's time. Well DH automatically thinks his kid is invited.

I'm new, my situation

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I’m a SM to a 3 y/o girl. Being a SM is not something I wanted to do, and I didn’t get involved with a man with a child. My DH and I have been together for 7 ½ years, he made a “mistake” and we decided to work through it, but now I have SD3 in my life, a BM who’s crazy and a guilty dad. Plus we now have BS11months.