Selene's Blog
Do you make up excuses?
Does anyone make up excuses in order to be late getting home so you can avoid some SKid time?
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Has becoming a step-parent turned you off of ever having a child/children of your own?
I've NEVER wanted kids and since becoming a step-mother (SD 9 and SS 4.5), that feeling has only solidified further! I've always loved being an Auntie; I get along fine with kids. I've never wanted to be bothered with the whole 24/7 parenthood thing though. The step-kids and I get along just fine, but they annoy the daylights out of me. It's as if someone has to be paying complete attention to them every waking moment. My DH and his ex-wife and everyone else pander to these kids so much and I just can't do it!
Am I supposed to be obligated to help drop off and/or or pick up stepkids from school/daycare?
My DH has a daughter (9) and son (5) that he shares custody 50/50 with his ex-wife. We either have them Wednesday after school/daycare through Friday morning, dropping them off at school/daycare, or (b) Wednesday after school/daycare through Sunday at 6 pm when it is DH's weekend to have his spawn, I mean kids.