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Needed a good laugh today!:)

Chel Bell's picture

And I just got one....DH finally reached SS on his cell phone to wish him a happy B-day, and guess what 15 yr. old SS is doing today....going to get his nipples piecred (sp) oops. And BM is taking him! LOL, and my DH is stunned, I don't know why, this is typical of "them". I know that kids are into this, but it just seems extreme to me, and funny right now.


CACowgrl's picture

Why do these women do these things or allow it? I truly think it is just to get under our H/BF's skin! Over the summer, right before SS9yrs was supposed to come out to CA for a visit, the BM gave him a Blue Mohawk! He's 9 yrs old!! It was hideous. So BF's mother had his head shaved into a short, military style haircut right before he got on the plane. LOL!!! So she thought she was pulling one over on us, and we pulled one back on her!

Chel Bell's picture

BM is letting him do it because she is just weird like that, she probably thinks it's just "so cool", maybe she'll take him out for a beer afterwards."~waiting on the world to change~"

SerendipitySM's picture

My SD15 was allowed to take a school picture with fangs in her mouth - she looked ridiculous!!

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

SerendipitySM's picture

I got another one.....last year she was allowed to dye her hair pink at the start of the summer - as it began to grow out her roots looked horrible so we offered to fix her hair before school because she was really upset about it.
I took her to my hair dresser and ended up paying $180.00 to fix her hair and get rid of all the pink - she promised to never do it again - guess who dyes her hair pink again this year - yep wouldn't you know it - except this time we wouldn't pay to fix it!!

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

CACowgrl's picture

And believes that SS should express himself. So she too doesn't see anything wrong. She lets him dress himself, which usually results in him wearing sweatpants, a sweater vest, and crocs or Teva sandals in the middle of the snow!!! So the Blue Mohawk was just a product of him expressing himself. She bought him a guitar, so now he is expressing his inner rockstar. GAG!!! :sick:

But at the same time, she knows it irritates the snot out of BF. So I think she does it a little on purspose too.

SerendipitySM's picture

Nuttier than a fruitcake - I love it!!! Smile

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

And H didn't say a word. Except to tease her fondly about it. And honestly, not to be cruel, but she does not have what you would call a cute little button nose-in fact, I wouldn't think she would want to draw attention to her snout. :evil:

She also carved the words F**k Love in huge letters on her arm at the age of 15. Again, H didn't say anything to her about it-just asked his sister to talk to the poor confused hurting widdle baby cause her bf dumped her. Used to be AAARRRGGGHHH to me-now it's more like-tee he he he. Wink

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

Fangs-imply vampires-imply bloodsuckers-imply-you guessed it LEECHES! How fitting that would have been :jawdrop:

In fact, perhaps I should suggest to H that since he wants a family photo for a Christmas card, I go buy 3 sets of fangs, he and his D's can proudly wear them while I take their photo! How fitting!! :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

Rags's picture

the kids are in to these days that was made in to a movie. Kind of like Harry Potter on CRACK! Or so I am told.

I can see the appeal of necking to teens but sucking blood out of puncture wounds in the carotid artery seems a bit extreme in my book.

bellacita's picture

does a 15 yr old need his nipples pierced for???!!! good lord!!!!!!!!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

Nipples pierced, blue Mohawk, pink hair, nose rings - My parents would have bashed me if I had even asked them that I wanted this done at there ages.

I did get my belly and nipple pierced. But I waited until I was 19 to get the belly done and waited until I was I think 25 to get my nose done. There was no way I would have had my parents consent. Maybe times have changed.

Bewitched - I think I have a cute button nose for a nose ring. When I had it done people couldn't remember if I just had it done or if I had always had it as my nose is a good sharp for a little stud ring. It's very classy, not cheap looking at all.

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

I was just being mean about SD17. She is not ugly at all, just not beautiful.

I also have piercings-2 in each ear, and a navel piercing. However, I no longer wear a navel stud-I'm not quite as firm as when I had it done 10 years ago. Gotta work on that! I had a true six pack back then. Back to the crunches. back to the Pilates (which I loooove-just don't have room for it in here with all os H's sh1t laying around). I also have a tat. It was my celebration tat (on my ankle, doesn't show in professional slacks, and I covered it with concealer when I wore skirts to work) from my divorce from my ex. So I'm kinda marked up too-but then, I'm not 16 yrs old! Wink

All of this brings my imagination full force. I picture everyone on here, in my mind. What I think each one must look like. One day it would be interesting, kinda fun, to get personal descrips & see how close I come!

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

and get another piercing. He used to ask me to all the time. but I'm so not into pain, and the naval hurt. The "artist" doing the piercing said it hurts more after you've had kids because the skin is thicker. Who knew. One of those little known facts to whirl around in my brain with everything else Lol

Nicoli's picture

but he settled for a fauxhawk and some wash out color. He's 10 and feared his fathers wrath. We did it as an April fools joke and the verbal response was enough to scare the blue out of his hair and he has not asked since. That is the beauty of rational parenting. I got a large tat when i was 19, my mom knew I had wanted one since I met a distant cousin with a girl on his arm at around 13. My dad thought it was fake...

ferretmom's picture

Don't worry about the nipple piercing, the first time he does sports or wrestles with a friend it will probably get pulled out. My oldest had it done when he was 18 and started wrestling with my youngest and his got YANKED out. He let it grow up and never did it again. Now he's into tats, I can't say anything because I have one. Two rosebuds with my sons names on the petals. They're the only men I would have the names of on my body.

AC's picture

Ouch....that hurts...