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Losing my hair.....:(

Chel Bell's picture

I had major "fall-out" of my hair yesterday, had this happen before, but it was due to the meds. I was on, (depression/anxiety) I stopped all meds. a while ago, and stopped counseling over the summer, was not "jellin" with the counselor to well, so got discoraged. My hair is pretty short, due to the last, it looks like absolute hell. I don't want to get into detail on what it looks like, alot came out yesterday in the back mostly. I told my DH when he got home last night, but was wearing my "fall" (hair extension), and would not let him see it, and as far as I 'm concerened, never will, till it fills in again. The stress building up, has finally gotton to me again! My neighbor, and close friend saw it yesterday, she is a hairdresser, so I went running to her for help, she says it's due to the stress! I called my counseling office this morning, telling them I would like to start again, with a different counselor, they were fine with that, and should have an appointment soon. My DH , just hugged me when I told him, and will help me thru this (thank you god for him). He likes my "falls" anyways, and said to order some new ones, so I will be comfortable with my appearance. (I slept in one last night) I cried so hard I threw up yesterday. I can't believe this is happening again, I thought I was handling everything o.k. I do plan on talking to a Dr. about this, but from what I read online yesterday, there is not much one can do w/ this "medically". My neighbor yeterday said she used to see alot of women w/ this problem, some of it was genetics, but alot of it was stress/med. induced. Anyone els here ever had something like this happen. It's scary, and right now I'm trying not to stress over THIS, and just make it worse!


CL's picture

Get your thyroid checked. You'll be surprised at how much anxiety a dysfunctioning thyroid can create... it will make you feel like you are losing your mind. Also, it will cause your hair to fall out. All your symptoms sound like thyroid problems, but no worries... if they are, then it can be managed.

bellacita's picture

u have so much on ur plate rite now, and i think going back to counseling, hopefully a new one u click better w, should help u tons. u cant expect urself to handle everything youre going thru w/o any extra help! its too much for anyone! take care of urself, order some pretty new "falls" and get back to the doc...stat!! youre beautiful no matter what chel, inside and out. hugs!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

Harleygal's picture

Like thyroid or adrenal fatigue? Adrenal fatigue can result from too much stress and hair loss is one symptom.

"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac

Chel Bell's picture

that I know about my bio-mom, that she had thyroid problems.....I had mine checked last year, and I was fine, but I will be sure to check it again. Thank you all so much."~waiting on the world to change~"

Hanny's picture

have lost some hair. Been through a lot of stress in the last year or so..had bacterial spinal meningitis over a year ago, thyroid problems, lump on thyroid they keep checking, on meds, and had shingles this year also. Mine is not coming out by handfuls, but getting very thin on the top, and half way down (bottom half) is normal. My hairdresser said it was probably combination of medications I'm on. Chell Bell, definitely have your thyroid checked again, and make sure it not due to any medical conditions you need to address. And yes, from what I've read on line...stress can do it. I was thinking about buying a wig also.

Most Evil's picture

I am so sorry to hear! You do have so much going on, all at the same time, its just too much and I am glad you are going back to counseling. I think it looks pretty too to wear a pretty scarf on your head, kind of like a pirate look? I know your DH loves you and so do we, get well soon!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

anita...sigh's picture

I had this problem big time when I was iron deficient anemic. You need a blood test just to be sure.

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