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So much for SS being "sick"

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BM tried to keep SS from coming on visitation again this weekend, claiming he was sick with diarrhea and throwing up. Yesterday was BF's birthday, and she had succeeded in keeping SS from coming last weekend when he was supposed BF said, too bad, he's coming anyway. BM says, what about BD? BF says, "She's gonna have to get sick sometime!" We can't just keep them separated because one is sick. They're BOTH our kids. We wouldn't send SS away when he got sick if he lived with us full time! I'm so glad he stood up to her and didn't let her use our daughter as an excuse again. Hopefully she'll start to see that that crap isn't going to work and just stop trying.

Last weekend SS had stitches in his arm and she emailed BF saying that supposedly SS wanted to stay home because of the fact that he needed help bathing and felt sooo bad from having stitches. BF asked that SS call him so he could talk to SS himself about it. SS said that it was just a small cut on his arm with 4 stitches and he didn't need help bathing, he just had to avoid getting the stitches wet. BF asked if he would rather just stay home since his Mom had already asked and SS said yes, he'd rather just avoid the argument and drama (paraphrasing of course) and stay home since she had already asked.

BTW am I the only person who finds it rather sickening that a woman goes out of her way to bathe her 10 year old son for something silly like that? It just seems to me that he should be capable enough to bathe himself without getting that one square inch of his arm wet. Why does she need to bathe him?

Well, so much for SS being "sooo sick" yesterday. Big suprise, SS got here last night and I noticed immediately the lack of a fever, no flushing, not even so much as a runny nose. And for a kid who had supposedly been sick with diarrhea and puking all day, he reported having eaten quite a bit - tacos, mashed potatoes and pot roast, candy, chips...all at his Grandma's house of course. When we asked him what he did that day, he said he had been running around outside playing all day. Too sick to go to school but he feels good enough to play outside in 40 degree weather?! Whatever.

You know, she doesn't work and she doesn't go to school. If she wants him home with her so bad why doesn't she just fricking home school him?! He's already missed over 20 days this year. It's just ridiculous if you ask me.