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I should have

Itwillgetbetter's picture

made my login name it will get worse. Not it will get better. Cause that is exactly how i feel. This is some bullshit I have never been in a relationship with someone that had a kid and dont know if im going to be able to put up with this for the rest of my life. And maybe the Guys that I have dated have thought the same thing who knows. But I feel that when both of you have kids in a relationship you see more... well i do. I see how my son is treated different.... UGGGGGHHHHHHH I just want to scream.


KittyKat's picture

You finally said the words you needed to say
"don't know if I'm going to be able to put up with
this for the rest of my life."

NOW you are ready to get the ball rolling. As long
as you are sitting "nice", behaving, sitting in the
car like a good little GF while BF does what he has
to do, you're not rocking the boat in any way.

HOWEVER, once you DO start saying "This is NOT right
and I'm not taking it anymore" to BF, you WILL see
changes. Will they be the ones you want? Who knows, but it's better to know NOW BEFORE you are
married than later. As MANY have attested on this
site, if ONLY they knew things would be like this
BEFORE they tied the knot....

Once you let BF know how you feel, then worry about YOU. If you and your son want to go do something,
then go. The idea that you will arrange for a sitter
for YOUR child is a great start; let HIM worry about getting someone for his kid.

You WILL survive this!!

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt

Georgie Girl's picture

I have two bios and Dh has two also. None together. We are at 5 yrs now. So far, I have seen more bias than I expected and feel less like a family unit than ever. It seemed like we were on the right track in the first few years but somehow along the way it all started to unravel. All I really want is to feel more connected and family-like.


I dread christmas. I used to love this holiday. I hate feeling like my kids don't get equal treatment from mil and I also hate it when my own mom does the same thing to dh's kids. It just feeds this silent war I seem to be trapped in.

I feel for you it will get better. I think it should be mandatory for couples considering remarrige to go through a step-prep class so that they are more prepared to handle some of the challenges that come up.

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

like they're rare and fragile treasures, expect us to sit by and calmly watch while our children are treated so differently. We're mothers, for crying out loud.

My H (hey-slipped there and put ex instead of H)explains the lack of anything for my son being that he is grown, and therefore his (h's)kids need more. True. If he was talking about more guidance-not that=there is none; if he was talking about more money put out for necessities-like food, c/s-not that-not much there either. Hmmm. what he's talking about is the amusement park, matchy matchy shoes, special meals other words-NOT NEEDS. How could it possibly not occur to him that while he might enjoy the amusement park with SD17, I just might enjoy a ballgame with my son? WTF?