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I Really Need a Vacation from Biomom's Problems

Dawn-Moderator's picture

We found out last night that biomom has LOST her CS check for Sept. Now we may have to stop payment on it! My husband called her last night and she asked him if it was cashed! Hello, she didn't know if she cashed it or not!!! What kind of crap is that? Did she think that her ex-boyfriend cashed it?

We have to send her a check for Oct. next week! I guess the CS isn't very important to her. I would be at the bank cashing that check right after I got it. That gives you some kind of idea of what her house is like!

I am so tired of dealing with this kind of carelessness and irresponsibility? I mean she is totally messed up! I wish she would get help.



Dawn-Moderator's picture

I called the bank today and found out that the fee for putting a stop payment on a lost check is $31.00. What a waste!


happy mom's picture

I would deduct the $31 off the child support money check you send her. And document what happened, that ex lost it so its her fault.

-happy mom

Dawn-Moderator's picture

oh, she will be paying the $31.00 if I have anything to say about it! I think she knows she screwed up so I don't think she will fight it. We shall see!
