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inappropriate comments

staceegirl's picture

My ss has aspbergers syndrome, maybe adhd and my dh and I are having trouble with him saying inappropriate comments to his sister and my bs as well as kids at school. He is in counceling and seems to be getting better but it's still a struggle for us. He forgets to turn in assignments and his dad is constantly taking away his priviledges as punishment. He has called a black kid the "n" word and he has a mixed older brother from his bm. My son is mixed with hispanic and he has said to him..."I hate mexicans". My dh and I do not tolerate any racial slurs, inappropriate comments, our home. So ss does it around kids at school and makes them feel uncomfortable. We have also tried to explain to him about how he would feel if someone did that to him and he said he didn't care. Just wondering if anyone out there has some tools to help us help him to have good behavior and maybe remember to turn in his homework. I am really worried he will end up in prison or dead because of his inappropriate comments and behavior.

MaGoose2010's picture

I think that you are on the right track with counselling. It will take time, so don't expect miracles overnight. It will come right. I would chat to his teachers and schoolheads and explain that you are trying to deal with this and ask for understanding. As far as the kid goes, reward any positives that you see in him to build up his own self-esteem...perhaps he feels like an outcast or lesser being because of his illness/disorder. Be patient & kind. It can't be easy, I am sure and especially in a step situation. I take my hat off to you! is he on medication? That might be an additinal option, as it is more than likely brain process disfunction. Good luck and hang in there!