Broke up w/ BF, hes moving out. This site should be required reading...
Broke up w/ BF, hes moving out. This site should be required reading...
This site should be required reading before divorce and prior to serious involvement w/persons w/children. I've decided to break up w/ my BF. After dealing with his "situation" for a little less than a year, and reading the depths of depravity some on here go through I decided that since I'm only 26 and his kids are young (1 and 3- different bm's) that this relationship is not worth my unhappiness. Interestingly enough my situation is nowhere near as bad as some of the stories I've read here, but the thought of my husband indirectly supporting another woman at the expense of our own children was too much. The thought of struggling due to exorbitant CS is a sacrifice I'm unwilling to make. I was also resentful that our first wouldn't really be firsts, and believe I deserve that. The thought of contributing more particularly financially so that his money can support his kids from other women is abhorrent. I give much props to those who endure and continue to do so. I think that persons children should also date each other, and should not seek to ruin the dreams of the single and childless.
I feel bad for my (ex)BF as he thinks that it can work. Begs me to stay. He loves me. Let's go to City Hall etc etc. But just the fact that he thinks I'd want city hall adds insult to injury. The reason why he can't afford a ring and subsequently his share of a wedding is because he's unable to save due to CS. I realize that these are his issues not mine. I sense his fear in hang to deal w/ this alone.
In my last post StickAFork (amongst others) seemed to think that my "obsession" with the 34% of exBF income walking out the door was too much. However for those that say we are left w/ the remaining 66% that is incorrect. First the govt. takes approx 30% so that leaves him with 70% then each BM is entitled to 17% plus a share of all extra expenses. That leaves him w/ just 36% of his income for himself (and that's not in including extras) and any future children he may have. I decided that, that wasn't enough and that my future kids deserve more. I feel so relieved typing this. I want to thank you guys for the raw, and honest insight you've given me and will stop by from time to time. Good luck and good life to all.
- InsistingOnPrenup's blog
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Well, you have saved yourself
Well, you have saved yourself many years of resentment. If the distribution of finances matter so much please do NOT get involved in anyone with children ever again. No one with kids ever is 100% financially free..
Sometimes I wish I had the
Sometimes I wish I had the guts to get up and leave too. I mean DH tries his best but sometimes maybe his best is not good enough. It may never be good enough because he always has that baggage. I applaud you for your ability to think clearly and excise what would sure to have been a slowly rotting limb.
Your money is hard earned for yourself, and you have an entire world in front of you. You don't need to settle for anything less than what you believe you deserve right now, and for you, it's not a pipe dream.
I hope you find someone who is baggageless--at least one of us might be able to find the stuff fairy tales are made out of and you should never feel like you gave up your ability to try.
I think you've made a very
I think you've made a very wise decision.
Good for you! I agree that
Good for you! I agree that anyone dating a man with kids should know this stuff. You do deserve more.
I definately think you made
I definately think you made the best decision- those numbers you crunched- YIKES! I want to touch on something, excuse me if it's been brought up before. IMHO this is a character issue on your ex's part. He knocked up 2 women that he didn't want to marry, then meets his true love, and offers her "City Hall"? :jawdrop: I have a friend who, like me, has been married since 19. She came to the marriage w/ a 2yo, he at age 21 had a divorce under his belt and a 3yo. His CS was quite high for back then. They went onto have 3 of thier own. 5 boys! Her DH worked his ass off - nights, weekend, holidays- so they could have a decent life. She just recently found out that he would get pay advances from HR so he could give her the weekly grocery money. And she's hardly a battleaxe- in fact very sweet, funny, and quiet. Point being, HE did what he neede to do to make HER happy and content, and it's not just about $$$ it's about feeling secure, and more importantly like you MATTER. She'll tell anyone who asks, "I have 5 sons". She never resented her Ss because she wasn't set up to.
I remember your original post
I remember your original post and I applaud you for KNOWING in your heart that this was just not what you wanted or deserved. I hope you find your equal and that you have lots of babies with a guy who didn't have any before you. Best of luck!!!
So happy for you! This is a
So happy for you! This is a great decision on your part and you won't regret it. Stay strong and be yourself and you'll get through the tough times ahead. Congratulations for living your life for YOU!
Just because you dodged a
Just because you dodged a bullet doesn't mean you have to leave the site....
very telling, isn't it
very telling, isn't it
Thank you guys for the
Thank you guys for the support a huge part of my decision came from the resentment that many of the things I've put off is an experience that he's cheapened by having w/ someone else. First BM he was not in a serious committed long term relationship. In fact she was a rebound after a 6 year relationship. Second BM was a hit n quit. It did concern me the lack of concern he showed for his own future and subsequently that off a future spouse and planned wanted kids. I feel as though my planned wanted kids would have been short changed by his unplanned mistakes. The relationship that he has with his children ESPECIALLY the second one is one of moral responsibility and obligation as opposed to a deep love and commitment. That also gave me reason for pause.
The money was very important to me also as I did not believe that I should support our home but share the spoils of my labor equally when the reason he could not be more of a financial equal are other children. If he legitimately MADE less money I would have no problem contributing more. But to know we more or less make equal money (and he makes more usually after over time) yet he brings home less because he support another household was burning me u,p and at this point we split our shared expenses equally. I knew he would never be able to afford a home (house or condo) with his edpenses. Unfortuantky i think the best he can hope for is a co-op (if that) I also had no feelings toward his children whatsoever except perhaps resentment of the financial burden they are to exBF. I did however realize that it was HIS doing. I knew that I did not want ANYTHING to do with these kids at all. I did not want to hear of them. I'd never want them in my home. I resented when he would speak to the 3 year old in my presence. It made my blood boil and my skin crawl. Also both kids look like there moms and I could see there mothers faces in them.
@Sueu2 i attempted to break
@Sueu2 i attempted to break it off w/out telling him the real reason but he would not allow it. Finally I spelled it out (albeit a little kinder than I am doing here). He accused me of being interested in another man so finally I have to give him a strong dose of truth...
I realized that continuing this relationship he would constantly need to choose between me and the kids. Our family and the kids .I did not want my future children associated with his kids EVER, and truthfully would only want him to see SKID as was convenient for my family. Meaning as long as that wouldn't impede on our family time (impossible) I realized that my wants, and desires would constantly leave his kids on the back burner. He needs a woman who is more open to blending whereas I felt no such need.
Yes I don't think he deserves a woman such as myself (and I HATE to say it like that) I think he needs a woman more on his level so he can appreciate the baggage he truly comes w/. One child one BM I may have been able to work through. Not two.
I feel like there was more I wanted to say...
Sorry for typos in above post... Multiple tasking.
@ctnmom yea I was concerned
@ctnmom yea I was concerned that this was a character issue
. The first mistake I could look past but the second was too much when I really gave it thought. He didn't outright offer city hall we'd discussed marriage and I know part of the reason why he didn't ask me to marry him was because (*drum rolls*) he can't afford a decent ring!!!!! And why because it's very difficult to save because CS is a never ending obligation. Cant say let me defer CS for 6 months so I can buy a ring. Can't afford a ring DEF can't afford a wedding much less a wife, a home etc., I took this as a sign of the future. With his kids being so young this obligation is here to stay. The thing is I don't HAVE to deal w/ this. I can walk away and I am choosing today. When he mentioned City HAll it was more of a last ditch attempt to impress upon me he loved me so much he'd even be willing to go to city hall to make me his wife (apparently I must look in need of a husband) -____-
We went on vacation in May which I paid for because it had to be booked combined it was $1250 a piece $2,500 together. A little after we got back his car was towed Totalling over $750 with tickets, tow charge storage etc, so the money that he was supposed to reimburse me got deferred. Did he pay his CS every month well of course- did he bother to pay me back not until I got all bent outta shape about it he started in September, and now owes me just $200.00. I felt annoyed that because he didn't consider it IMO important that he didn't bother to pay me back till I got in that ass. All the while he ALWAYS payed his CS. That was a HUGE red flag.
I'm gonna borrow a line from Sex and the City that Samantha said to Smith Jared before breaking up with him: "I'm just gonna say the thing you're not supposed to say. I love you but I love me more". I took an inventory of our relationship and realized that his presence didn't add much value. Love is great but it does NOT conquer all. I realize to some I seem cold. I simply removed the emotions from the equation so that I may look objectively as though it were not he and I but two strangers. I realized this stranger that was me was insane. This man did not come w/ nearly any of the qualities I was seeking.