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Learning About Stepfamilies

Bobbi's picture

Does anyone have any ideas, how I can educate or get my BF educated about Stepfamilies and their unique issues in a way that won’t offend him? He doesn't know what he doesn't know. I was the same way, but I'm the type of person to go searching for answers. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Nise's picture

Do you share with him the information that you find…maybe if he sees your enthusiasm then he will read what you give to him even if he won’t research it on his own.

Make a GREAT Day!

Bobbi's picture

I've been hesitant to do that because I'm really not sure how to approach him with an article I've read or whatever. I don't want him to get defensive.

Nise's picture

I don’t know about the way the two of you communicate so it is kind of hard to say…but with me and my husband…I’m ALWAYS reading/researching things on various topics and I get really EXCITED when I learn new things so I’ll e-mail it to him or bring it home and say “LOOK WHAT I FOUND…you have to read this” and usually he will (when he gets around to it…) and after he’s read it we will discuss/debate the points made in the piece…can you come at him like it is more for you then for him…like “read this…this really helped me understand XYZ concept…” and then “so what did you think”…or “someone shared this with me today and I thought it was the neatest thing…I wanted to know what you thought about it…”

Make a GREAT Day!

lovin-life's picture

I was hesitant too given how discussions about step-issues always seem to end up. Defensive beyond!!!!!!

But I tested the waters anyway. If he was open to counselling I figured he was open to "others" ideas and trying to find a way to resovle our issues and be happy. Soo . I sent him that step family tips link when I came across it at work..I mentioned it here somewhere. I asked him what he thought of he agreed that it made good points, etc. It's a good way to open up discussions in a non-threatening way..we agreed we are in stage 3..and need to get to stage 4...of the step family cycle.

I think it's re-assuring for both of us to know that what we are going through is normal! Smile

Bobbi's picture

Great Ideas! Especially emailing stuff...we do that all the time.

Thanks Nise Smile

lovin-life's picture

SympatheticBioDad is always lurking isn't Thanks for reminding my to post there..I never think of it. Smile

Nise's picture

LMAO...I just thought the same thing!!! "Where in the heck did he just come from?!" Hey SumpatheticBioDad...It is ALWAYS GREAT to see you in the room! Almost like you are a "presence" hovering around, making sure we are okay and that we have access to the outside resources we need!

Make a GREAT Day!

Nise's picture

You guys are like my SECOND FAMILY! When i leave here i always make sure to jump online once i get home so i don't feel like i "missed" a reply/post/topic...

Make a GREAT Day!

happy mom's picture

My husband and I have never read or do research to handle our situation. We just do what we think is the best answer that we both agree on. I however read some of the stepfamily books and found out that I followed the same guidelines suggested in the book already.

-happy mom