Can my income ever be included to figure his CS?
When im hubby and i got married, we agreed that i would not combine checking accts.
I totally agreed becuz i see too many friends fight over $ issues. therefore......I pay my bills that i came into this marriage with (ccdebt, etc.) and he pays his.
His CSupport and the mortgage add up to the same amount of personal bills that i have.
I started a small buisness for extra spending money, becuz he is generous with me when i need it but some months are slow and he needs every penny to pay his damn ex so she can live the life of luxury...
I'm worried that at one pt or another she will come afer my income to raise his child support.
Can she? That would simply be not fair,
No your income will not affect his child support..
You are not the childs mother therefor you have no financial obligation legally and the courts will see it that way(been there done that. BUT if DH's name is on ANY of your bank accounts/house ect BM and the court can come after if I think. In these situations(nasty exwife)I think its best and safest to have as little as possible in hubbys name.
Thanks. ....i hope your
Thanks. ....i hope your right. At this pt they STILL have not setted property (another issue that i've already posted)....and he and her are both Co-owners of the home....with that being said,im not listed on the home at all. Lawyer said if i paid towards the mortage then that eased up his bills and she then would have the right to come after my $.
SO, I have tried to play safe, by keeping my name off of all bills, everything is in his name, though i do pay them. (elec.water, cells)...and grocery....
I hope im playing safe enough, she is ruthless. his bank records are always being looked at by her and her wonderful lawyer :(....we have no privacy (espcially my hubby...)thats also why i chose to not combine anything , for the si mple fact that she can't see my stuff.
What doesn't kill you will make you stronger;..hold please- I'm going cancel my gym membership........
i think it depends
in what state you live in, I think I have read on here where some states do take the Steps income into account.
i know it doesnt seem fair does it.
but then again the courts have never really been "fair" when it comes to step parents and related issues.
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
It doesn't factor
We had to fill out this HUGE document before we went to court about his finances. They know about mine but it doesn't factor. If all the totals from that document were on him to pay, we'd never be able to afford CS. So, they know I'm paying OUR bills as my DH is.
So, they only looked at his income and our bills and figured what he's contributing to them. My salary didn't come into play on that document or in court.
They take child support as if my DH's income would directly effect the kids along with the mother's income. Naturally, my salary wouldn't ever come into play if they were still married. There are online CS calculators that you can put in the numbers and it gives you a pretty good idea about what you'll get/they take out.
Here in NV it can!!!
My husband and his ex wife share 50/50 custody of the kids. Normally when it is like that they figure what dh should pay as if he didnt have the kids and figure what his ex should pay if she didnt have the kids and then they subtract higher from lower and the higher income pays the difference.
Well here is what we found out - dh's ex went back to court for a three year review claiming she only worked one day a week because she went back to school. Our lawyer filed saying tough about going back to work and figured out what she COULD earn. They also said we could use her new husbands income to show she was merely being oportunistic and wanted to be gredy.
We go to court soon so we shall see.........