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I'll tell you a sad story with a happy ending

kathleen's picture

Here's life: Part 1

I thought I hit gold, a great husband, two step kids and a seeemingly cool ex-wife.


Part 2

Fights, legal battles and parental alienation

Part 3

Too much stress, building a new house, husband loses his job, multiple miscarriages inexperienced contractor, fails to finish project and tries to sue us because he can't pay his own bills.

Part 4

We move into our unfinished new house, step kids won't see us. BM supports them taking new boyfriens last name, and argues that they shouldn't have to call or see father on birthdays, fathers day whatever.

Part 5

Bank opens loan because of stupid contractor, and we lose our loan and our house.

Part 6

We have the house on the market, we had some identity theft and all of our reserve cash was sucked away. Working with bank to get our money back so we can stay afloat.

Part 7

We must sell this house or we will lose everything, DH hasn't a job, my job is injeapardy, and the economy is failing

Part 8

We take a vacation, regroup, look at what we have and reevaluate.

Part 9

The house will sell, we'll make a profit

Part 10

We'll take several months off. Friends have offered homes in Martha's Vinyard, Telluride, Vermont and hell it's cheap in bali. We have retreats, plenty of them and love. If only I took the time through part 1-7 to realize that everything is just as it is suppose to be and we will be alright no matter what, even if it doesn't look the way we imagined it to look.

We have eachother, we have peace if we let ourselves. We'll have money. No we won't have that "dream house" and no we don't have a good relationship with the step kids, but we have our integrity and we know we did our best. We know that life can go up and down and we can swim, and play or feel lousy.

So...I'm feeling like a tenderized piece of beef, and now I feel tastier than ever. Believe me, I've suffered more than this tale will tell. But I am feeling for the first time, a beauty that will make life so much more pleasureable if I let it.

Plans are to "retreat" in September. I'm taking a leave from work, my husband has promised to take financial responsibility, and with the sale of our house...we're out of here for a while.

God bless us all. What I really want now, is what God is giving me. I want time for my family, my husband and my beautiful little girl. I want peace for my soul and my body. I didn't ever imagine it would look like this, but hell...who get's the opportunity to travel the world for a few months and take a break from it all. I guess I can't complain.


kathleen's picture

I have learned that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
–Henry David Thoreau

Catch22's picture

That you have to endure all this Sad

But what a strong wonderful person you are to have this insight after all you have been through Smile

Hugs to you x

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

goingcrazy's picture

and it echoes what you said. God has a plan for each of us. I am proud that you took your situation and turned it around into something positive. Many people on here will ask me how I can stay so positive and forgiving. It is having the same mentality and faith in God that you showed in your post.

I know you have great things ahead of you. Thank you for the beautiful message.

"I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay."

now4teens's picture

it teaches a terrific lesson...

"in life, there are no guarantees, only love"

I am happy that you have come through your very difficult situation with the realization of that important lesson- to treasure those people who are important to us. Money, homes, possessions- they can be lost in an instant and all we have left is those people in our life to hold onto.

I am happy to hear you found peace in your life Smile

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

Colorado Girl's picture

You have endured so much.

I am so glad that you are searching for light in the storm. You are such a wonderful person and you deserve happiness and I truly believe that it is just around the corner for you.

If you come to Colorado, you NEED to look me up. I'll drive to wherever you are and we'll share that bottle of wine we're always talking about. Smile

(((((((HUGS)))))))) to you and yours....

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

bellacita's picture

maybe it doesnt have to be all wrapped up in the pretty package we thought, but the present inside is still the same.

im glad that even after all youve been thur, youre coming out w this positive outlook...youre an inspiration. *hugs*

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

Most Evil's picture

Wow - there really is a light at the end of the tunnel! I envy you the opportunity to have some time off and am sure something will guide you to the best route going forward. Thinking of you and hoping it turns out just right!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin