DH and the online gaming..Continues
Well, I posted in the end reply to my last blog that we had this great open talk and DH swore to back off the game and he was taking a couple days off of it.
He took the next night off (he got home at 6:30 and in bed by 10, so during that time, I worked until 7:15(from home),then we watched a very slow movie with SD, he mentioned about four times that he was not logged in and not logging in that night.
The next day, however, he was on the computer game as soon as we got home from the OB and Target. Stayed on it for four hours, during which time I was working so not like I could complain, right? This morning, he was up and on the game at 8:30am and it is now 11:45am and I am guessing he will play it all day. He will say he had nothing better to do. He will not do house projects unless I am doing them and he helps.
I can't say anything, I am on my computer at work(taking a break to whine about it here), and he will say so what you want me to go stare at crappy TV instead???!!! So, whatever I guess. Yeah, I am disappointed. He said he would take a couple days away from it, not three hours away one night then full force again. BUT, what do I expect, he stare at the wall while I am working? I don't know. Maybe I am being petty and stupid for not wanting him to play that game so much. He says he is accessible, but he isn't.
Either I am being controlling and petty or I am disappointed, I am not sure which is the truth. I am not saying he CAN'T play, it just seems like that is all he does if we do not have a DVR show to watch together or I don't demand he help me with a project. Now, to be fair, he does dishes, he helps cook dinner, he even changed the load of laundry over on his own because I was working, all while taking a "break from the game".
Maybe it is just me being petty and worried that it will end up like it was a couple years ago before we quit the previous game. He came home and played the game while I was in the hospital overnight getting D&C for miscarriage (he lied about it, but I caught him because when I went back, people were sending me messages with sympathies and glad DH could play to "get his mind off of it") that was a couple years ago though. But, then he played all day on my birthday when this new game came out just a couple weeks ago. He said, "Well, I told you it was a mistake and I said I was sorry, I don't know what else you WANT". ...Neither do I, DH, neither do I. Maybe I am just hormonal and pregnant and being selfish and petty. I do have an emotional disorder, so at times I have to step back and see if I am perceiving things appropriately or am being irrational. This of course makes things easier to twist on me, but then at times I am overreacting because of my emotional instabilities, especially being off my medication for pregnancy. Maybe that is all it is, I am slipping down into depression with a touch of paranoia, and even though I write down when he plays (that is pretty dickish isn't it of me?- I do it because he tells me I exaggerate and he doesn't REALLY play that much, so writing it down is the only way I can prove it), how can I tell him he can't play it or plays too much, what would he be doing otherwise, watching crappy TV probably.
I'm just disappointed that he said he would cut back and he hasn't not even a tiny bit.
Maybe I should just give up and move my office downstairs and leave him in the bedroom with his computer to do whatever. That is probably what I will do. He is a grown man, and if he wants to play a computer game in all of his free time, so long as he is maintaining his job to pay the bills, who am I to tell him he can't. I am not saying this to be passive aggressive, it just seems like the only option, because working sitting next to him irritates me, and he gets to have me in the room, so if he is in here by himself, he can do what he wants without the "but we were together" BS and I will work and do my thing. But see, that makes me feel like such a asshole because he does work hard and he does help out with dishes and dinners and he does fold laundry, so he isn't dropping responsibilities at all, so how can I complain, especially if I am working on my computer while he is on the game, its not like I can do anything with him, he would just sit there anyway, right?
- Annanymous's blog
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He works a full-time job and
He works a full-time job and over-time, takes the kid to the doctor, does dishes, picks up living room, even cooks dinner half the time. He works a flip-flop schedule, so he is home two or three week days depending on if he works the weekend (he does 12-hour shifts), so he plays all day and kid is at school.
He isn't neglecting kid or household chores or work and in the evening he does watch a DVR recorded TV show or movie with me (then plays his game for another hour before he goes to bed) so I really can't complain as nothing is being neglected. I guess it is just my opinion that it is "too much".
I would move your computer as
I would move your computer as you mentioned so you do not have to sit there with him while he plays his game. As long as he is going to work, paying the bills and taking care of tasks around the house, then it probably isn't that big of deal. But I can see how you would be annoyed sitting there working while he is playing computer games.
I do wonder if it is just me
I do wonder if it is just me overreacting since he does not neglect any work or house duties, and he takes the SD to her doctor appointments and picks her up from soccer. IT just seems like so much of his time, but again, if I am at work and she is at school, why can't he do what he wants.
I had this issue up until
I had this issue up until about a month or two ago. I work from home and do not finish until 5:00-5:30. My DH runs his own business and is home much earlier. I would get SO furious when I would be working and he was downstairs in his office playing video games online. My main issue was that I would go straight from working to making dinner. I would often call him up to help, but he would kind of just go through the motions. We had many a fight about it. And I would get the same 'would you rather have me watching TV'. In many ways yes. Because the tv is on the main floor of the house and he would be at least in the mix of the household. It was really bad when he would 'game', come up and have dinner, and then go back down to 'game'. We had some discussions about it and he acknowledged that isn't healthy for any marriage. He would get better and then do it again. But recently he got back into mountain biking and he does that every day from the time after work till dinner. And now he doesn't go back down after dinner. It's like the more he played the more wanted/needed to play. Now that he doesn't do it after work, he rarely plays anymore. Thank God! We were fighting about it so much! I swear my DH was showing signs of addiction to online gaming. He would get defensive and argue with me about it. I started tracking the hours, told him I thought I was marrying an active man, not a 'gamer'. Which is absolutely the truth. That might have been what snapped him out of it. My suggestion is not give up hope! Can you DH find a better hobby? I think it is very unhealthy, especially for getting a good night sleep. Never mind no activity while sitting in one spot.
I don't think you are being irrational. Look up online video game addiction. It's a real issue and I think you have every reason to voice your dislike about it. Especially with a new baby coming.
I don't even mind him being a
I don't even mind him being a gamer; I was the gamer when we met and got him into it, then realized we were 'addicted' or over-focused on the game and quit. I don't mind him playing it, it just feels like he plays it so much, but he does take care of all his responsibilities and is a grown man, so who am I to argue that he can't play while I am at work anyway. Its not like he can do something with me or with SD all day.
Of course I have laundry and other things that would be nice if he has all this time to get done, but whatever. He brought me milk and a toast and jelly so I didnt have to go downstairs and stop work.