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Step son 14 from hell, I have never felt so fed up.

AdamF's picture

Been with my 3rd wife for 7 + years. She as 2 boys from her first marrage. Her 14 year old has got to be the rudest little turd I seen yet. Now I am old school kids just do not disrespect adults period. This kid over the last 3 years has developed a mouth on him like hell birthed him. F this f that . Out right dsreectful to me and his mom. Thinks he can say things like shut up and you fat F etc to us. I am strict as hell. I lock hs azz down. Take everything away, I feel his mother is a bit more kind then I. Needless to say, no matter what we do or try he is bound and determined to take our marrage down with him. The more I crack down, the worse he gets. I just want to ring the turds neck. I can not even stand looking at the prick any more. Now I love my wife, I really do. Thus why the 7 years together.

But this kid is pushing me to the bad place FAST.

He has no respect what so ever, nothing but a war 24/7 between us. More he acts out, the more I punish him. Yet the more he just acts out again. If he's miserable, the house must be miserable to.

I got to tell ya, not so happy these days. I think the kid needs help. Yet she thinks it's all just teenager normal stuff.

I am just not the type to take disrespect from a 14 year old kid. I'll be famed before I ever let a kid run my house. Not about to let him walk all over his mom to.

I guess I just need a sounding board here. Might help to talk I reckon. I am out right out of ideas other wise.

TASHA1983's picture

I agree with OCC on this let this 14 year old get to you way too much and you really dont have to, and YOU have the luxury of walking away at any time, and throwing in the towel and saying my favorite quote:
...just tell Mom that you have had enough of this kid and his blatant disrespect etc. and you are D.O.N.E!!!

Just step back....and let HER deal with this monster by herself and let him see how you dont give a fuck ANYMORE just like OCC said....Watch and see what happens!!!

Keep us posted!!!

bt-sped-gf's picture

Here's the deal, if you and your wife are not on the same page with discipline, then his behavior will not change. You need to sit down with your wife, tell her (in a nice way) that this is not working and you need to do something to change his behavior.

If you are looking for some ideas that help here are a few:
1. Structure. The more structured his day, the better. Get up at 7 - EVERY day, morning chores, school, homework, chores, not bad behavior? Great - you can go play, hang out, whatever until bed time.

2. Lay out the rules for the child ON PAPER. Have them posted in an obvious place in your house. If he breaks the rules, you systematically remove items that are of value to him.

3. When he is saying these thing, he WANTS you to get angry. DON'T. If you can remain calm, he will get more angry, but after a while, he will stop all together because he is not getting the response he wants. I suggest avoiding eye contact and even walking away from him.

The biggest thing is that both you and your wife need to do this together. Otherwise his behavior will not change.

One last note: When implementing these ideas, his behavior will get worse before it gets better. And it takes 6-8 weeks to change behavior.

I hope this helps!

AdamF's picture

This post was most helpful. All of this was already in place BUT the not letting him get to me. This is my greatest weakness. He gets to me in a bad way. His mother even tells me to stop letting him win by letting him agrovate me. This is most difficult part of it all, ignoring him is hard.

Some how I need to just out right not give a flying F . How folks ? Lol I am to prideful I reckon. Need tools to show that indifferent attitude.

LRP75's picture

I know my response is lengthy, but please read anyway. I am both a step-parent AND a parent to a teenage boy. Thus I do feel that I have something valid to contribute that you may find useful. Smile

Here goes:

I also recommend disengaging. It sounds like you and the kid are in a cyclic battle for control. It's a battle that no one is going to win. Let his mother deal with him, because you are just going to push him further and further away. Not that the kid shouldn't have rules and shouldn't be punished, but he clearly is just going to make everyone's life a living hell when YOU do it.

For your own sanity, for the health of your marriage, and for the sake of the kid - just step back.

Step. away. from. the. kid.

He is not your kid, thus he is not your problem. You have done what you can do for him. He doesn't want it. Not from you and probably not from anyone. He IS a teenager - most of the behavior you have described is normal. This shouldn't be used as an excuse to "get away" with it, but it's time to change what you're doing to start getting some different results. Clearly what you are doing isn't working. I caution you that the more you push him, the more he is going to push back and the more extreme his behavior will become. He doesn't know what he's doing and he has no clue about the path that he's putting himself on. But you do. If you really want to help, you will find a different way of dealing with him so that you don't push him too far.

I have a 16yo son. He started really pushing against me around the age of 14. I was faced with an option: I could engage him over everything, or I could learn to pick my battles. And boy, let me tell you, I had to choose those battles wisely:

1. I stopped fighting with him over his grades and decided to let him fail. Why? Because clearly there wasn't a damn thing I could do to *make* him do his schoolwork or to give a crap about his grades. Did he fail his classes? Yes, he did. It sucked. But guess what? This year is the first time the kid is stepping up to the plate to accept responsibility for his own future and is determined to graduate from high school.

2. When he started using foul language, I simply looked at him and said, "I'm not delusional. I know that that's the type of language that you use when you are hanging out with your friends. I won't seek to control that, because I can't. How you choose to talk is how you choose to talk. However, I am your mother and I am asking you to please not use that type of language around ME, because it is not respectful or appropriate." I just left it at that. I didn't punish him, I didn't scream at him. I responded very, very mildly and did not blow it out of proportion.

Take the power out of the F-word and just leave it alone. The more you scream and throw a hissy-fit when he uses it, the more he's going to use it.

3. When my son started making questionable choices, I started talking to him like he was a "friend." I would say to him, "Ok, if you were a friend of mine, this is what I would say to that..." Then I would ask him questions about what he thinks the outcome of his choices are going to be. I tried to be mild in the conversation, the same way I would be with a friend. Sometimes I would also share times in my life when I made a similar choice and how it turned out for me.

This is important for teaching kids how to make informed decisions and to really start to THINK about what they are doing. Thus, when things don't turn out well for them - they become cognizant that life is about making informed choices. When things didn't turn out the way my son thought they would turn out, I simply asked him, "Is there anything you would different the next time you are faced with that same choice?" I never, ever said, "I told you so."

REMEMBER: experience is what teaches us how to make decisions. As much as we would like our kids to learn from our mistakes, it just doesn't work that way. It didn't work that way for you and it won't work that way for your SS.

Ok yeah, it was NOT easy for me to give over that control. HOWEVER, and this is important:

Your SS has reached the age were it is ABSOLUTELY imperative that he start to learn the art of making informed decisions. AND it is absolutely imperative that he begin to suffer NATURAL consequences for those decisions. NOTE: NATURAL CONSEQUENCES. Make sure the punishment fits the crime. Quit over-reacting trying to prove a point - the point is not being made and it is not being received. He's too old for it now.

The world and society has a way of punishing us for our choices, let him experience those. Because honestly, when he's an adult those consequences are all he's going to have to inform and guide his choices.

Now is the time to allow him to experience natural consequences while he has a soft place to fall: In your home, with the help of his parents to guide him to making better decisions in the future.

Now is the time to really prepare him for being out in the real world, on his own, and where consequences can be both severe and life altering.

My son HATED me for it. He told me that he feels like I just "let go" and that he was in a free fall. Oh boy, did he hate me for it. He had a few choice words for me along the way. I simply said, very calmly, "I can understand why you feel that way and that's the way that you see it. However, what you can't see right now is that: Me allowing you to experience the consequences for your choices WHILE YOU ARE STILL IN YOUR PARENTS HOMES is really one of the greatest acts of love I have ever done for you. You are growing up and will soon be a man - this is one of those lessons that is VITAL for manhood. Many parents don't do this for their kids, then those kids enter into the real world completely unprepared and unable. I love you too much to do that for you. I have great expectations for the type of man you will be, because I KNOW you will one day be a great man. This is just one of those moments that will mold you into being that great man."

I'll never forget the pinched look on his face and the daggers in his eyes as he looked at me.

But 2 years later (16 and a junior in high school), I see a new fire burning inside of him. He may be getting ready to step over that threshold. And he still has 2 years left before he is legally considered an adult.

Teeangers are freaking B-R-U-T-A-L creatures. They are wretched to deal with. WRETCHED.

Oh, word of warning: It will get worse before it gets better. My son is still a turd in a lot of ways. Grr.


AdamF's picture

Again very helpful.

Clearly I am picking fights I can not win. I want more from him then he will ever understand.

Trying to prevent failure in school and his life has led to my unhappiness .

Picking my fights, having that Indifferent attitude . Showing him he is no longer getting to me, hands down the hardest part.

The pure evil this kid is capable of utterly floors me. I do not want to leave my wife. I deeply love her. But I do want to leave this kid , yet they are one and I feel cornered.

LRP75's picture

"Trying to prevent failure in school and his life has led to my unhappiness ."

Exactly. It was the same with my own son. I love him and don't want to see him fail. However, my unwillingness to "help" him avoid failure wasn't doing him ANY favors. So I let him fail.

I let my OWN kid fail so that he could learn how to NOT fail.

This kid isn't even yours to save. I think it's admirable, and speaks volumes about how much you do care for him (or your wife), that you would put so much effort and energy into trying to save him from himself. But you can't. You can't save him from himself any more than anyone of us could/can be saved from ourselves.

Back away from him and let it be.

You will find yourself doing what the rest of us disengaged step-parents are doing: reconnecting with ourselves. We fill our time with our own hobbies (or our own kids). When my skids (especially my SS) are around, I disappear for the most part. I pursue my own interests, my own friends, my own life. I find that the less time and energy I have to give to my H and his spawn, the less I care about what they are doing (or not). I try very, very hard to only concern myself with any matters that directly concern ME, MY life, and MY belongings.

I've gotten pretty good at deflecting the skids problems back onto my H. Whenever he complains about them, or BM, or whatever, I just look at him and say, "And what do you plan to do about it?," or, "How does that make YOU feel?"

Generally he plans to do NOTHING about it, in which case I absolutely REFUSE to get involved. Why should I care more about his situation and his kids than he does? If he does plan to do something about it, I support his plan. Then, I separate MY feelings from HIS feelings about whatever is going on. He and I don't feel the same way on things, so I find myself way more worked up about an issue than he is. Again, why?

My personal step-parent hell is that my H doesn't want me correcting his kids, because I am "too harsh." Am I? Eh. Yeah, I am. I only ASK a kid to do something once. If they choose to ignore me, then I TELL them. And no, my tone of voice at that point does not convey coddling, pleading, whining, or begging. Instead, it's a f*cking order. And there better be no third time I have to address the issue. However, the flip side because of my "sternness" is that my H has taken my "balls" away (I don't really have balls, but you get where I'm coming from...). I am now at the mercy of his son's crap-*ss attitude and behavior.

I've just yesterday taken my "balls" back. If my H isn't going to correct his kid when his kid is being nasty to me, then I am going to do it. Over my dead body am I going to be treated like crap by some 10 year-old brat in my own home. Oh hell no...

Willow2010's picture

. F this f that . Out right dsreectful to me and his mom. Thinks he can say things like shut up and you fat F etc to us.
That is NOT normal teenage crap. My son knows that I would take him to the ground for something like that.

TASHA1983's picture

Same son is only 8 but he KNOWS if you mess with get H.E.L.L. for it!!! }:)

AdamF's picture

Precisely what I have been doing. From grounding , to working it off. To taking him to the floor etc. All it does is feed his need to make me miserable.

It isn't working, he's so pig headed you would have to kill him to convince him otherwise.

Point of fact, I am now just itching to watch him fall flat on his face and utterly destroy his own life. Just So I can laugh in the end and say I told you so.

I now feel he needs DT or jail time to just wake up to the real world.

Yes ,sad and wrong I feel this way. I am just fed up .

AdamF's picture

So anyways , we are now in the calm of the stupidity and insanity this kid can throw out. I have in need for my own sanity , started just not really caring about his BS much. Decided to start building my self a shop out back to retreat to lol.

Reckon I'll let his mother deal with her kids wickedness more . Breaks my heart,he's so evil at times he can make her so sick.

But , I have to live to. This kids giving me gray hair way to fast lol.

SammiJen's picture

I have a 14 year old son and he use to come over to my house with his siblings, but now he stays at his dads. My fiance did everything he could to be nice to my son and be interested in his life. I feel like he did a great job, but that seemed to push my son away. He became an A** to everyone and we were all miserable when he was around. He became disrespectful to all of us. He would get up in the middle of the night and watch tv and eat once we were all asleep. I only found out because I installed a camera in the living room. Eventually he just stopped coming over. It still gets to me because he won't tell me why he won't come over, but our house and the rest of the kids are much more relaxed and happy. My other 3 love my fiance and are very respectful towards him. The only thing I can think of is that he likes living the life his dad lives. He brings my son almost everywhere with him. He also gets the run of the house when his dad isn't home. I feel that my fiance never put my son off when he asked for help, where his dad would always do so and never get things done. Maybe my son is afraid that he might actually like my fiance. Teenagers are so confusing, but nobody should have to put up with disrespect. Have you looked into where the disrespect started? Or if his father is influencing his attitude? I know my ex is doing so to my son and it drives me crazy.