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Is That The Karma Fairy I See Circling ???

Sweetnothings's picture

I think the Karma Fairy may be circling around BM. }:) DH gets news from younger skid ( 19, dropped school last year, has been looking for work ever since, while BM milks the CS system for the last drops of LABMS, in other words, an extra 18 mths of CS ! By lying to CS and not pushing younger skid to get a job , because it would mean SHE would lose the money !)

The news is that skid MIGHT have a job by the end of the year, so cannot commit to visiting DH now ( yay !! No visit and DH saves a thousand on flights and another thousand on guilty Dad extravaganza for this ADULT !!) skid also mentions he hopes he does get the job..... ( this is not set in stone yet !) as it looks like BM is losing her job soon !! ( not through lazy ass behaviour but due to a buy out and a reshuffle of staff ) It is a really simple low paid job, where she just sits all day and they pay her .

So it looks like it may happen when CS ends soon ..... I want to be the really evil bi* ch who hopes it happens in the same week, hell, the same day please !!! Mwahahaha !!! }:) }:) }:)


herewegoagain's picture

Good many think we are evil for wanting this, but I understand the years of crap we have had to endure...I hope it bites the BM in the ass too!