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New here with question about Guardian Ad Litem

chickadee11's picture

My husband is seeking joint custody for his daughter and has requested a Guardian Ad Litem to become involved in the case as he believes her mother is trying hard to keep her from him. I am unsure what that will all involve. He says that I will most likely be interviewed by the GAL. Will the GAL ask me about my husband and his interaction with his daughter or will the focus solely be on me and my interaction and feelings towards her?

SMof2Girls's picture

I would think they would look at all possible angles. I'm not 100% sure, but I feel like GAL's are typically a pretty heavy consideration for judges; meaning they don't often ignore their recommendations. I would think a good, thorough GAL would focus mainly on DH, but if you're going to be living there and part of the kid's life, they may not completely disregard you either.