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I'm going back to school!

Nymh's picture

Hooray! It's been heck trying to get the university to recognize me as an independent student, but they finally caved since I have a baby on the way. According to law, you're considered dependent until you're 25 unless you're married or have a child. Well, my parents live in a different state, I own my own home, own my own business...however, few people know this but I'm 22 (yeah, I know) and not married and have no children! So I was up a creek...I've bent over backwards proving to them that I am completely independent since August and just last week (one week before classes start for the summer) they finally conceded.

So since today is a holiday, I have one day to get an advisor, register for classes, and buy my books because classes start on Wednesday! And, I have a babydoctor appointment tomorrow, which is an hour and a half away from the I'm gonna be really busy tomorrow! BUT it'll be SO worth it!

I know this is mean, but I've been wondering...I might end up finishing my bachelor's degree before BM finishes her master's. She's been working on this same semester for the past four years that BF and I have been together, and has either failed, withdrawn from all of her classes, or taken "incompletes" in every class for the past four years (blaming us and the stress we put on her as the reason she never finishes the semester). I will feel so bad for her if I do, but I'll also feel so good for myself!


Sita Tara's picture

Way to go Nymh!

I finished a BA in five years while single parenting, working full time to maintain benefits and taking 2/3 time classes. It's tough when you're a parent but you can do it!

I can't believe that states don't recognize kids as independent as soon as they are 18 and graduated. I know many young people who's parents have all but abandoned them, and can't get student loans to go to college. And who says parents are obligated to pay for college anyway. This is a newer development. In my parents' generation no one expected a free ride from parents.

I'm so proud of you. Can I adopt you????

(Except I'm not paying for your college either. Wink

“I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away.” ~Louise Brooks

Nymh's picture

Hehe, sure you can adopt me! I have many adoptive mommies. What is your degree in?

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Sita Tara's picture

a BA in Theatre. At the time I picked it because I have been onstage and studying theatre since I was five, and I knew finishing a BA would be hard enough, so I chose a subject that would be less of a challenge. Unfortunately, studying theatre to death sort of killed my passion for it and I haven't done any since '04 (with the exception of my monologues that I write and perform for various domestic violence awareness events.)

I am going back in 2009 or 2010 for a MA in Religion.

“I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away.” ~Louise Brooks

Bec's picture

Well done Nymh, what subjects are you reading?
Good luck with it all Smile

Nymh's picture

Right now my plan is to get my bachelor's in business and my master's in international business. However, that is subject to change. I have this problem where I want to do everything and can never make up my mind...which is why it's been 5 years since I've been in college. I just can't decide what to do with my life! But I finally figured out that I have to start somewhere, or else I'll never start!

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

evilsm's picture

Way to go!


If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren