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Skids are back.....and dh and i have already begun our first disagreement

PeanutandSons's picture

Apparently the skids want to spend Christmas at MILs. So of coarse because hee skids want to do it, it shall be done. Nevermind the thousands it will cost to fly us all up there at Christmas. Nevermind that mil lives in a tiny 2 bedroom ny apartment with dhs brother. Nevermind that I don't want to be traveling with an infant during flu season. Nevermind mil doesn't aknowledge my (our) two children. Nevermind that I have no leave time left after maternity leave. And he expected me to just say sure?!?

He can send the skids if he wants. He can go to if he wants. But its be a cold day in hell before I go or my boys go. He's got to be nuts to think I am going to spend my babys first Christmas up there.... With the "grandmother" who turned down a free ticket to meet her grandson (now 3 and she still hasn't met him!)and instead said "use that money to buy a ticket for SD to come see me".

Fuck that shit!


Peaches1973's picture

MIL sounds like a stone-cold biotch.Also sounds like it would be a miserable trip.I would refuse to go too,why should you be miserable so people who dont give a rats ass about you get their way?

amackeral's picture

"use that money to buy a ticket for SD to come see me" what a B1tch! I don't blame you one bit for not wanting to go. I'd stay home too, make plans with people you enjoy being around!

LRP75's picture

Wow, your MIL can suck a d*ck. Sorry to be vulgar, but dang she is RUDE!!!

I support your decision to say NO WAY to going to visit her for the holidays. Let the skids go -- then at least you can have a holiday free of them