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Soooooo disengaged...

Namehere's picture

I read the disengagement essay and a lightbulb went off. I started to heal, things began to fall into place.

Then life got worse, DH lost his job, his ex took the kids, and
promptly brought ONE back. The harder I tried to make
the marriage work, the worse things got. So I read EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL by susan forward (got buzzed and googled it). The book and some sage advice from friends has got me on a better track.

I recognize manipulation. I cope better with it. I have
deactivated some HOT buttons that were too easy for my
spouse to push(while pushing me). The concepts in the book are useful for all relationships.

My friends advised that I didn't need a manto be happy, I had to find happiness within myself first.

So...confession time...I've disengaged from my spouse as well. I don't participate in his drama. I go places alone. I am persuing my own interests and forging new and better relationships with friends/family/co-workers. I've gone from a lump of neediness served on a doormat to a phoenix rising from the ashes.

I am happy, he is befuddled and persuing me...while I persue myself. We lead parallel lives at present and for now, that works. I work, cook, clean, throw a meal and vitamins his way onc in a while, and other than that....I am NOT responsible for the drama attached to him.

That freedom is quite intoxicating.


doll faced sm's picture

I have recently made a similar decision myself. Not to disengage, per se, but that I will no longer allow my DH's lack of want to do anything get in the way of the rest of us having fun. I can't count how many times my DH has promised to take us somewhere to do something "this weekend," and then when weekend rolls around, he's "too tired." For the past six or seven weeks, I've made it a point to take my girls out and do *something* with them, even if it's just to go to the park and play. The girls enjoy it, I enjoy it, and it's done wonders for our relationship. I plan to continue this when DH gets home. He's welcome to join or not; I don't care. And even though I haven't had the opportunity to put this into practice yet, I already feel better just knowing I've made the decision. Smile