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Taking SD2 to birthday party tomorrow

FirstBun-InTheOven's picture

It was my idea to take my SD2 to my friend's little girl's birthday party tomorrow. This will be the first time that I have her alone with me, spending one-on-one time together lol I decided this would be a great opportunity since me and SD2 don't have much of a relationship since me and my BF/BD do not live together (and we are expecting our first child), so I don't see her much when she is at daddy's house. She will be my son's big sister once he arrives so I figured we need to have a good relationship. Me and my BF's BM have never met yet and I find this the perfect opportunity to make her skin crawl by taking pics with SD2 at this birthday party when daddy is working. Spending step mommy & daughter time. And having SD2 take pics with hugging and kissing my growing belly (her little baby brother) LOL and I don't even think BM knows that we have a baby on the way!!! Let's see how it goes...

bi's picture

i had a friend years ago whose bf had 2 boys. she had never met their mother. she told me she was going to make those boys hate their mother and never want to go back to her. hmmm. her bf ended up dumping her ass and told her he hoped she would never have kids because she is not cut out to be a mother. (not because of that comment, but many other things). to this day, thank God, she has no kids. i don't think she ever will. that kind of behavior screams insecurity. there is actually no one in this world who could ever make me feel insecure about my relationship with my children. take all the pictures you want, if this woman isn't as immature as you sound to be, she isn't going to care.

FirstBun-InTheOven's picture

But I am not doing this for the wrong reasons, re-read my first three sentences. I really do need to bond with my SD2, so this is a perfect opportunity for just the two of us without my BF. But....I can't help it if BM gets upset, mad, or jealous that I will have her for the day without daddy. She will be in good hands, BM needs to understand that I am now her step mommy and will be spending a lot of time with her. And if I were in her place I would be way over the break up & most likely too busy with my BF lol

IAmALady77's picture

If you've never met her why would you care if "it makes her skin crawl"? Most of us have partaken in petty snide things expressively to irritate our BMs because of the years of abuse (not too many years for me yet) that we get from them. Our BMs are genuine nutcases and we have gotten to the point where its just funny to take little jabs now and then to release steam. NO ONE just goes into a relationship wanting to ruin it, what you are suggesting is ridiculous.

Right now you are JUST a girlfriend. A knocked up girlfriend no less, do you plan on getting married any time soon? If not then you need to cool it with the "stepmommy: stuff because that is out of line. I could be wrong here but you sound like an episode of 16 and pregnant, maybe not the best blog to introduce yourself with.

Disneyfan's picture

Not all BMs care about their exes having more kids. The game you're playing can blow up in your face.

twopines's picture

>>>I find this the perfect opportunity to make her skin crawl<<<

Wow. OK. You haven't even met her, right? When your plan succeeds and she starts ramping up the PAS, you can feel very proud of yourself for deliberately making things harder for your BF.

stepmisery's picture

Actually you don't need to do much with this child at all. Your earlier post about your relationship with your BF and this post that indicates you do not even live with him - these do not point to a serious committed relationship.

Your BF's daughter will be half-sib to your son but it is your BF's place to foster a relationship. If you and BF break up, you will not have a relationship with the child at all.

Trying to cause drama and start trouble with the mother is a dumb move.

Overall, it seems you are feeling put out because BF is not very serious about you. Because he has said he does not want to marry you. Because he did not go with you to the doctor's appointment.

I think you are trying to find ways to make yourself feel more important and I can say I genuinely feel sorry for you. I would never want to be pregnant by someone who is ambivalent about marrying me.

When Daddy is working the girl should be with her mother.

Disneyfan's picture

I just went back and read that thread. The DF won't go with her to prenatal visits, but he went with BM when she was pregnant.

If BF isn't willing to get married, why bother trying to bond with his kid?

smartone's picture

Sorry, I couldn't get past "me and my BF/BD do not live together (and we are expecting our first child)" in THIS post. Like there will be more poor children forced into this picture?!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

you are mean.full stop.
Many here have problems with their stepkids BM and therefore feel resentful and stressed by them.This is understandable.However you haven't met her at all but want to "make her skin crawl" by showing off and taking pictures of her child that is not yours , not even living with you.
This little girl is only two...when did DH leave BM behind?It can't be that long ago.
You have no reason to rub things in her face!
Once you have your baby you will think twice about those things....if your DH also will leave you behind with a very young child, wouldn't you be hurt if his new( possible pregnant) gf enjoys seeing your skin crawl by showing off YOUR child as if he/she is hers?
It is not necessary and mean.

Orange County Ca's picture

Seems to be 100%. Keep your pictures to yourself for a start.

Instead of starting WW III why don't you try and befriend the BM. You're life would be so much easier.

With your attitude I'm afraid a smart father is going to be continuing his search for a wife and hopefully won't get anyone else pregnant along the way. However "smart" may not be a good description of this guy so that may work in your favor for awhile.

FirstBun-InTheOven's picture

OMG you all don't know the whole story lol calm down now. Me and BM havent officially met but we know eachother & have had some history. She's doing way better now but while back she would try to keep her daughter from my BF (her dad) bc she couldn't get over the whole break up & was a psycho BM using the little girl to get him back. And she doesn't like me for no real reason just that I am with her ex. But she now managed to have a BF so she has stepped back now. I just get a little thrill from knowing deep down inside she wishes it was her in my place..

Disneyfan's picture

Why would BM (or any other woman) want to he in your place?l

You're about to have a child with a man who isn't showing any signs of wanting to get married. You have to raise hell in order for him to go to the doctor with you. He's allowing his GF to use his child as a pawn in a silly game to annoy BM.

You have no idea what the future holds for you and this man. You may end up in BM's shoes. The new GF may get a thrill out of making your skin crawl.