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A question for b/sm's I know a lot of you

Riamama23's picture

Can't stand the sk's but most of you have a reason.I do everything for my bios and I am not blinded to their faults. I am probably overboard with the things that I dont want them doing. I am sickened that I can't expect the same from ss12! He is allowed to eat anywhere, funions and certain ice cream ect. are just for him.I have bought these for EVERYONE to enjoy even the kids next door!!! I feel as though fh should be on this site more than me. I don't give a rats ass about COD or anything related but since fh can work up to 12 hours a day I pretend.Why,because I don't want ss to feel alone or unwanted!I have expressed to ss that I love him and when appropriate that when he acts like an ass it's upsetting, it shows poor parenting and he won't get far with that kind of attitude. I am really trying to blend but fh doesnt! It hurts so much!!! My bs8 spent almost 2 weeks with his grandparents so when we got back (from our halfway drop of pick up)I took the kids to the water park,ss12 went to stay with his aunt,when I got back I tried calling and texting her to see if ss wanted to go too,no answer.I called fh (I didn't want any hurt feelings if he didn't go) fh called his sis and at the same time she texted saying ss was still sleeping 2 pm.Fh called back saying the same laughing he must of stayed up all night.whatever! Anyway,we got back that evening ,remember bs just got back, fh was on the couch watching the draft the kids walked in no hi on either ends.No how was your trip to bs nothing!I have told my kids it's rude,you greet adults but it's to the point I don't give a damn! I truly am at the point I am so happy I am not married to him! I am so upset I didnt keep my furnishings and let fh buy everything with his inheritance. Reading some blogs on here I have realized the blending is mostly a dream and some sp's don't even want to try, maybe he is one of those types! My daughters BFF's family are total hillbillies and yet when she called her mom her sdad told her he missed her and today on fb her mom posted how BFF and daddy bob were going out for lunch since she was gone for sooo long. I am in no way expecting that but fuck a hello would be nice! Bs7 is so touchy feely he doesn't give fh a choice he acts genuine with his responses towards him but who knows! How do I know how he feels I want a straight answer even if it hurts me! I want a double,mixed, big family not two families coexisting!!!! I am not a glorified piece of ass! I don't want to waste anymore of our times!


herewegoagain's picture

I saw on spanish tv yesterday a psychologist that told the BM and bio-DAD that while kids stay at dad's, the same rules should apply to all kids and that smom has a right to demand respect and be backed up by bio-dad in discipline and that it was unnacceptable for bio-dad to tell smom you raise your kids and i raise mine, when they were in the same house. That it would never work.

I think that view is the reason that i know so many where i live with blended families and no issues...vs the us view from the psychologists.

Good luck!

Riamama23's picture

That is true!!!!!!! My family comes from Spain and Portugal my values and morals are way different from most of my Yankee blooded friends and even the fh!! Thanks!!