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Last-Wife's picture

Don't hate me because you want to BE me right now, but my house is clean and quiet!

The SSs are at their basketball tournament until Saturday.

Princess is away for the weekend with friends before her big surgery on Monday.

loghead is still at his construction site since some supplies came in late this afternoon and he can finish up a few things tomorrow now.

Gibby and I spent the afternoon at a water park; came home and had a steak dinner; he talked on the phone with a friend, while I worked on the computer, and now he has gone to bed. It's not even 10 pm, and I am so frickin content right now, it's not even funny!

I need more days like this in my life!


sterlingsilver's picture

I think once we all have days like this and see how it benefits us as smoms and thus the kids, we might actually make sure we get more of them!

The park sounded nice Smile

overworkedmom's picture

I do kind of hate you a little right now... Wink . I am so glad that you got a nice quiet night to yourself! I get mine Saturday night Smile