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Am I 'wrong' or being 'unfair'?

dledden's picture

My good friend and her hubby are in town from Oregon and at the beach this week. They ran in a 5k with me over the weekend when fiancee, who was supposed to run with me, was pretty much ordered to have to go to work. So, she invited me and the kids to come down one day this week to hang on the beach for the day. Cool, right?

So, tomorrow is my day that i'm free to go. It's TUESDAY. fiancee agreed a week or 2 ago to get me 2x a week OFF from skid, where he'd get to go to his grandparents. We decided on tuesdays with pop pop and fridays with mom mom (she's off on fridays and agreed). So, I want skid to go to grandpop tomorrow. fiancee wants me to take him to the shore with my kids.....says it's not 'fair' to him not to get to go. trust me, skid would be just as happy spending the day at pop pop's. In fact, I just posed the option to stepkid, did he wanna go to the shore for the day tomorrow or go to pop pops house. he chose pop pop's! (so did my younger son, lololol)

I don't think this is being in any way UNFAIR to skid. dad thinks going to the shore is the greatest thing ever and his kid is missing out. all skid will do is bother me all day and ask me when we are going home. Plus, it's TUESDAY and it's the kids scheduled day to go to pop pop, and I wanna make SURE fiancee holds up his end of the bargain for me!

who's right or wrong in this???

smdh's picture

Personally, I don't think it is unfair for ANY of us steps to want to do things without having to take someone else's kid with us. What is so unfair about the fact that we have lives outside our SO's kids?

dledden's picture

I agree totally. But he assumes since we are getting married and are a blended family (none of our kids ever goes to baby momma or baby daddy, they are all with us 100% of the time) that I have to include his kid in everything I ever do. The kid lived with grandmom and pop pop and dad his whole life up until a year ago. now he's with me and my kids and it's a different environment for him, he's autistic and sometimes we just need a break from him and he needs one from us. His kid don't like the beach much more than an hour or so, and I don't want him in my ear all day about how he wants to go home! i don't know how to explain to dad that just because i'm marrying him don't make me want his kid and all that comes with him 100% of the time!

dledden's picture

OMG, love your saying "the only thing me and biomom have in common is not wanting to raise you."...that's the greatest thing EVER and 100% true in my case as well!!! my soon to be inlaws are about 2 miles away.....father in law is retired, but had a heart attack this year and goes to cardiac rehab 3x a week. but he's willing to take the kid on the ddays he doesn't have it, and mom mom is off from work every friday and she's willing to have him on fridays. THANK GOOD GOD IN HEAVEN!!! Fiancee doesn't understnad just how hard raising his kid is for me....