I must have had some good karma floating around
This summer took an amazing turn for the better! I'm so stoked! It started out kinda shitty since fdh got fired, but he has since gotten a new job and because he has to be at work at 7am and I have to be at work at 5am every weekday, neither of us were going to be able to drop SD8 off to her summer program (doesn't start til 7 at the earliest). *Superhero music as FMIL swoops in to save the day*...FMIL offered to keep SD8 during the week for us, so that she can drop SD off at summer program in the morning without having to go out of her way to pick SD up from our house every day. FMIL said that all is going well so far, that SD is being good and causing no problems (not that she's a problem child - just the usual kid stuff).
You understand what this means, right? I'm kid free during the week now! Woohooo! I think this will be good for all of us. SD is looking forward to spending so much time with her grandma and we get a break from the kid. FDH and I were both feeling worn down, so now we get the chance to reconnect with each other and will be able to enjoy the weekends with SD since she won't be up our ass all day every day.
Anyway, just wanted to share my good luck! May you all be blessed with good luck as well
- StarStuff's blog
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