BM is dumbest person in the world!
So a couple of days ago I went to the bookstore just because. While I was there I spotted this book about being a step mom that looks interesting, "The Courage of being a Stepmom" so far I really like it. Anyways I leave it out on the counter this afternoon. BM come to pick up SD2 at normal time and the book is still on the counter she sees it and freaks out. She starts telling me I have no right to read this book. That me and BF are so selfish that once we break up we are going to scare SD forever. Hello lady, I can read whatever I want. And shouldn't you be happy I care enough about SD to read such a book. Also way hasn't she got it through her thick scull that I love BF, that I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. She is beyond retarded! I am the first gf that BF has had since the birth of SD and amazingly for us things just fell into place once we met. We have been going out for more than half SD's life, we have discussed to BM that we are planning on getting married, oh and we live together. Apparently that is not enough for her. I just get so tired over her tantrums I know she does it because she is lonely but still I wish that she wouldn't take it out on me. Yes she is jealous of me but I never wanted her to be, I never did anything to her. God I hate this women. I swear all of this is because she knows that she is a crappy mom. She is afraid that SD will not want her when she grows older, but even I know that will never happen no matter how crappy of a person she is or how embarrassing she is(just a side note but I have to mention she has this horrible big playboy bunny tattoo on her calf and on SD's 2nd b-day crazy BM wears shorts even though it was cold outside showing it off to everyone, I mean shouldn't you hide your slutty tattoos for your daughters 2nd birthday party at least?). I just wish that she would get this idea that she has a say in my life out of her head! I wish that she would stop being so jealous of me so that we can act civil. To this day when she comes to pick up SD she will try to put on this act of oh I know BF so much better then you we are best friends. But the truth is he can't stand her. I just hope her craziness goes away before SD is old enough to catch on to it. I don't want her growing up knowing her parents hate one another. I don't know how I am going to deal with her for 16 more years.
- SoontobeWifeandMom's blog
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I agree
with vickiemac, why is she in the home anyway? If you dont stop it now, it WILL get worse. She sounds self centered, much like all the other BMs here. You've got a long way to go. I can offer you this.... stop hoping she'll change, she won't. Don't wish for "everyone to just get along", it isn't going to happen. Stop spending your energy on her, she isn't worth it. It took me, oh about 10 yrs to get that. Hopefully you can "get it" sooner.
Oh and by the way, just because they turn 18, doesn't mean the shit stops, it doesn't. Sorry to be so negative, just things I have learned.
Me too.
I definitely agree with Robinson and vickiemac. It will only get worse. See the BM on your side is a lot like the one I have to put up with. BM thinks that she and my FH are best friends also, he can't stand to be in the same room as her nor answer her phone calls when she calls multiple times for other reasons that NEVER involve the kids. If you continue to let her come into your house, sooner or later she will automatically assume that she is welcome whenever she pleases, even invite herself on holidays. That's what BM did to us.
By the way, I don't think craziness will ever go away. As I am doing, I am staying as FAR AWAY as I can from crazy BM. I don't talk to her, I let FH handle it. It gets tough sometimes because she uses my name like it's the word of the day when she talks to FH. Sometimes I want to get involved because she does put me in that spot, but I just let it go and tell myself that she's doing it just to get a rise out of me. I don't fall for her stupid games that she wants to play.
Hope everything works out. GL!!!
"For the love of herself, she acknowledged her worth."
Ha that is funny! Yeah I
Ha that is funny! Yeah I need to start setting up more rules about her in the house especially since she snoops. But the joint holiday thing she has already tried to do. Her argument it that SD needs her parents together. Unfortunately she doesnt realize it is a little too late for that one. She has this saying where she is like by the time SD is 18 we will all be best friends. Hell I don't want to know you much less be your friend. And since BM and BF's relationship was just a month or two it pisses me off that much more that she is so in to this big happy family idea. I guess I just need to separate myself from her, but it is so hard when she makes it out that she is the victim. I mean you had the baby yeah raising a child is hard but get over it! And she acts like since me and BF have each other that it is so easy but it's still not kids are tough especially toddlers.
Ashley W
Short relationship? Is BF sure this child is his?
BM will never change. Keep her out of your house. If you have to do joint holidays do them in a public place not in your home. You don't want her snooping in your medicine cabinet and such.