clipped out of another blog, but i couldn't believe what i read:
"That's pretty much the highest purpose of marriage - the children you have and raise."
i guess i haven't read that backwoods hillbilly definition of marriage.
i'm at a loss between :jawdrop: and :sick:
- starfish's blog
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i have children and i love
i have children and i love them dearly and they are on the top of my priority list, however, i wouldn't marry anyone for children, you get married because you want to be with that person. some people don't want kids, and there is nothing wrong with that. a married, childless couple is just as much a family as the married couple with 5 kids. people are stupid.
Oh... so that's what marriage
Oh... so that's what marriage is about...
And here I thought it was trying to find someone you could spend the rest of your life with, a companion who could accompany you through this journey called life... so I guess people who are unable to have children will never fulfill the purpose of marriage... silly, silly me.
I'm joking of course, but I can see how some people can see it that way.
that's what i thought: "you
that's what i thought:
"you get married because you want to be with that person"
" find someone you could spend the rest of your life with, a companion who could accompany you through this journey called life"
But... Draco... I'm a mix of
But... Draco... I'm a mix of buddhist and agnostic and a little bit of everything in between. Does that still apply to me? Or am I just a dirty, dirty heathen who will go to hell because I don't want to sprout more roman catholics out of my hooha?
no offense, but i don't give
no offense, but i don't give a rats ass what is according to roman catholicism. and this wasn't meant to be a religous battle blog.
but since you have brought it up ~ from all the bad rap the catholics get in the media (true or not) about "children" (especially little boys), they have bigger problems than the purpose of marriage....
Even for those who are Roman
Even for those who are Roman Catholics, what if having children isn't an option? Does that mean that marriage is pointless, or not allowed?
Mostly it means you're being
Mostly it means you're being punished by God. Because since you're a virgin when you get married there's no way to know if you can have children or not beforehand and once you're married that's that. Well, I'm sure they'd grant an annulment so you could go find someone to procreate with meaning, yea, they consider the marriage pointless if you don't have kids. It's still Allowed of course, they just think there's something wrong with you.
children are a by-product
children are a by-product (sometimes) of unprotected sexual intercourse..
wanted or not is determined after the fact ~ married or not
(No subject)
"they are little people that
"they are little people that you train up to be excellent, productive members of society and who might possibly be in charge of picking out your nursing home some day - so WATCH OUT!!"
LOLOLOLOL good point!
I missed that one, but
I missed that one, but reading this now I'm struggling to find words. I'm with you...stuck between :jawdrop: & :sick:
So is that to suggest that marriages without children don't stand a chance of attaining the highest purpose of marriage?
I thought marriage was about the relationship between the husband & the wife.
Children come from sex, & parenting is where the raising comes in. Marriage is something completely separate.
What about children that were
What about children that were born out of wedlock? I guess that sucks, that they weren't part of some "purpose".
I got married because I wanted to have someone to share my life with, and I loved that person. Continuing the species was not high on my list for my reasons for doing it.
If a woman can only have kids
If a woman can only have kids that she can afford on her own, then who is going to have any kids? And what's the point of marriage?
I couldn't get past this little snippet from the same ridiculous post. ^^^
Um, I thought the point of marraige was love? I married my DH because I love him, not because I NEED or WANT him to fund raising a child with me. I don't recall that being in our marriage vows.
Which blog is that from?
Which blog is that from?
the O/T Arrears vs Child
the O/T Arrears vs Child support blog
so, when/if the marriage ends
so, when/if the marriage ends and both parents remarry and don't have new kids, then what is the highest purpose of marriage???
dd, the whole chick's post had me thinking wtf?, but i was able to get past the first part about "not supporting her own kid" barely, but the way she tied it up in the end sent me over the edge wondering how many other people may think like that.... this blog has restored my faith in the majority...
DISAGREE - I stayed married
DISAGREE - I stayed married longer than I should have, 'for the children' - HUGE mistake. I should have been divorced 5 years before I did, I knew it and all the pressure about staying together 'for the children' sucked up 4 extra years of my life.
My children are super important, my job as a parent is to raise my children to be on their own and they will leave. I will be left with my partner to finish my life, my children will go on living their lives.
They are equally important, my relationship which is my future and my children being raised so they can have their own future.
But I do not agree with this statement, 'That's pretty much the highest purpose of marriage - the children you have and raise.'
(No subject)
I'm not familiar with
I'm not familiar with Catholic rules, but marriage is about vows. Do Catholic vows include promises to have children?
If I were Catholic, would I not have been allowed to marry my DH because he had a vasectomy after his daughter with his ex was born?
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
No one in my situation is RC
No one in my situation is RC (thank goodness, apparently), but even if ALL of us were...even if DH DID have his first marriage made null & void, by the time we met he'd been snipped. He & I cannot have children together, so according to RC religion, we couldn't be married???
I feel for those people God created unable to have children. I struggle to believe that He would be in favor of any religion that would discount a person He created because of something that is beyond their control.
I know this thread isn't intended to be about religion, but that whole train of thought seems incredibly effed up...IMO.
Huh??? He could tell my DH
Huh??? He could tell my DH to get a hysterectomy reversed, however, he's a boy so it'd be pointless.
Yeah, if my DH told me he had
Yeah, if my DH told me he had a hysterectomy, I'd have a lot of questions!!
I have my own theories, and
I have my own theories, and the RC church in many ways doesn't seem too concerned on what they think God would want.
A vast majority of their "rules" are man made, not biblical. Add the pedophile priests into the mix and well, perhaps they need to rethink their "what we says, goes" mentality. Hard to believe that the church knows best when they are fundamentally corrupt.
The rules of Roman Catholism
The rules of Roman Catholism state that the couple must be open to children as "gifts from God" and that they will raise them as Catholic, not that they must be able to have children (ie- 70 year olds getting married).
Draco- I was able to get an annulment after almost 20 years of marriage due to an ExH who admitted in the papers that he never intended to be faithful. Now, I'm too old to have children, but I was allowed to remarry in the church.
I'm glad you posted. I'm not
I'm glad you posted. I'm not very familiar with RC, & I was having a really hard time accepting that any Christian religion would have those limits.
It wasn't the fact that he
It wasn't the fact that he cheated that got it annulled. An annulment states that there the sacrament of marriage never existed because he did not go into it intending to be faithful. The church has to declare the sacrament was not valid in the beginning. And before anyone askes, all children born of such a situation or still accepted by the church as legitimate.
That's one of the most misunderstood parts of the doctrine.
However, Draco is correct in that a priest can try to insist on a vasectomy being reversed (if he knows about it). I don't agree with that part, but I don't make the rules. If I could, women would be priests too! Fortunately, if it's not successful, the church can't hold that part against you. I'd love to see how they'd test that before marrying two people anyway! :O
Ok, so my grandmother who was
Ok, so my grandmother who was widowed long past her childbearing years should have stayed alone for the rest of her life? Or my sister who had uterine cancer and didn't know if she could carry a child to term shouldn't ever have been allowed to marry? Some morons shouldn't be allowed near a keyboard... :O
give them the key board, take
give them the key board, take away their reproductive organs
Must be religion based
Must be religion based belief.
SF, consider the source of
SF, consider the source of that quote, lol.
I don't believe in marriage
I don't believe in marriage and I don't believe in religion and I don't believe in kids. So what does that mean?????
lol that sounds like my idea
lol that sounds like my idea of Heaven!!
Hence, my name on this
Hence, my name on this website. If you don't put your relationship first, there just isn't much left for the rest of the fam. The foundation of the house must be strong for the house to stand.
My husband of 3 years is going through the annullment process with the BM (she is wishing to get remarried)but she always throws in that I am Wife #2, blah blah. So, my husband says back to her, well, she can be called WIFE. You? Not so much...EX.