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I told myself i wouldn't respond to that crazy b*tch...but i did.

TheBrightSide's picture

BM went off on one of her rants a couple of weeks ago (DH requested a copy of her tax return). FYI, she's not reporting any of her income. Well. I get the slew of texts telling me I'm controlled and that DH's family told her that she should leave him...basically just a lot of random garbage. She also left a scathing voice-mail on DH's cellphone telling him what a POS he is and calling me "that bitch wife of yours".

This happened about 4 months ago as well. Honestly, the woman is bipolar or SOMETHING. (I've googled, narcissism vs. bipolar so many times, trying to figure out whats wrong with her). (its been happening consistently for the past 5.5 years...since I've been with DH)/

ANYWAY...she sent me a long raging text about a week ago. And i told myself, I was better than her, that I would take the high road and not engage in her crap.

But this morning, I did it. I responded. I told her that I wasn't interested in her narcissistic opinions and to never contact me again. (I told her 4 months ago not to involve me in her arguments with DH). This time i told her never to contact me period. I also told her that DH's family has told me quite the opposite.

And you know what? It felt fan-friggen-fantastic.

I used to think that she had some sort of control over SD11 and her relationship with me. But I honestly don't give a rats ass if that woman has ANY control over anything. If SD becomes PAS'ed against fucking be it.

Oh yeah...and by the way. I'm reporting her for tax evasion. And it will feel soooooo goood.


SMof2Girls's picture

I'm pretty sure the IRS gives out rewards for successfully reporting people who are ultimately convicted of tax fraud/evasion. Extra bonus!