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The Harpee is off her rocker! ADVICE PLEASE!

Purplemom's picture

So last night was the first night of the new schedule that the Harpee and FDH agreed on in writing. She wanted them to go to baseball, FDH sent an email late last night saying "no thanks, this is the new schedule and they have only had 28 hours a week with me till now, we ned to let things settle, they can go sat"

So today SHE KEPT THE KIDS, won't tell him where they are, won't let there be ANY visitation and filed for an ex-parte hearing. When he asks why she says "based on things the boys have said" but won't say what they have said.

Help! no notice has been given yet for the hearing. She mentioned taking him to mediation and the boys will not see him until they have talked with a "specialist" - and then won't say what the specialist is.
He doesn't have a lawyer yet but will be retianing one (with what money I don't know) tomorrow.

What can we do? I want to F^&%#$* slap this witch. There is no reaso nhe shouldnt see those kids!!!!


DASKRA's picture

You should have to be notified of any hearing. I don't think they can hold a hearing deciding temp custody with out notifying both parties involved. Now if he doesn't show up then the judge will usually automaticly decide with whom ever shows up. The judge should not withhold all visitastion unless they have some really good damaging information on the other party.

DASKRA's picture

This sucks, I know from experience. The only thing you really can do if what they agreed to in writing is not a CO is just document EVERYTHING. Keep all emails and Text messages. Start recording conversations. It's not good for children to be withheld from their parents for any reason unless abuse is suspected. If you know there is no abuse then you are ok. How old are the children? Things a specialist has to say are to be avalible to both parents if it's availbe to one it's should be made to both. You can also file a "temperary" visitation arrangment until the hearing can be set. I am guessing this hearing process could take months as they tend to want home studies done and other things. It's called a interium custody hearing (spelling?). Basicly it makes the judge decide that day who is going to have custody and what type of visitation arrangments are to be followed until a true case can be heard. Sometimes you are able to have the hearing as soon as 1-2 weeks. If this isn't the first time she has done this then let the judge know everything. Basiclly hit her hard with what you got right away. Most attorneys defending these cases are blindsided and don't have time to prepare for her end of things. Is there a court order at all? if there is show up at your place and time for visitation exchange and if she won't let u have them call the cops. Now they won't get involved because it's a civil matter but at least it's documented that you tried. Continue to do this everytime you are supposed to have the kids. This will help you in the long run. Make sure to play things as if she is difficult to work with and not putting the kids first. I can give you the guidelines the judge has to look into when considering .... The best interest of the child as well.

Purplemom's picture

Hi all, thanks for the reply's

There is no court order, dovorce is pending... someone is PAS'ing, we just don;t know if it is the harpee or her mom.

There is no abuse, period. He doesn't spank, he time outs.

ABout three weeks ago the Harpee agreed via email to 60/40 custody. Around that same time she amended her divorce petition from Sole physical and legal to joint ( we did the paperwork, she signed it, we filed it and i served him)

There have nevr been any reports of abuse (we suspect this is what she is up to) ther have never been any complaints to CPS... nothing. This is all PAS bullshit. He is devistated by this Sad

Purplemom's picture

LMAO- I know it sounds crazy-They were split before I came around..... and he isn't good at getting things going (and don't think that doesn't give me pause!)

We did the paperwork (I typed it up, he had her sign it and then he filed it, I served him, he filed that too)because she kept SAYING she was going to amend it (and the dope didn't respond within the 30 days- which also happened before I was around) so the only way that shit was getting amended is if he made it stupid simple for her.

And THANK GOD we did based on the crap she is pulling now! I think she is going to have a hard time convincing a judge that he shouldnt see the kids when it was less than a month ago that she agreed in writing to 60/40 AND amended the paperwork to reflect joint legal and physical custody.

The Harpee has no clue I had anything to do with it. FDH and I don't live together so our interactions have been close to NIL.

oneoffour's picture

My daughter had an ex parte order applied against her by her exBF/her daughters father based on his 'belief' that my daughter would leave the country with their daughter and travel to Australia which is my daughters country of citizenship and she had a passport for their daughter.
My daughter is a citizen of New Zealand and she could not get a passport for her daughter without her exBFs signture. But he still got an ex parte order based on his 'feelings' whether they were realistic or not.

My daughter had an ex parte order applied against her daughter's father when he told her he was moving 45 mins away and taking DD and finding a new sitter for her which was contrary to the by then existing court order.

It can be obtained by the most flimsy of evidence and based on someone's 'feelings'.

Find a lawyer who is keen on father's rights. Check out websites for a local contact.