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Emotional Wreck

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If you were to read my last blog you could see why my mind is always clustered. BM has canceled the heart doctors apointment and is rescheduling on a day when DH has skid. She tries her hardest to manipulate the situation like its our fault because we said we would take skid. She states she has plans now for skid next Friday which is probably sitting at her work all day. How is sitting at work more important then your sons health when there is someone who can take him? She won't let DH have skid because one time she was sick during her visitation and DH wouldn't drive skid to her. This is the woman who stole custody while DH was in the hospital last year. She claims she talked to skids heart doctor but she lies so much I'm sure she doesn't know the difference between butt and face.

She won't even allow skid to stay home for his baseball games. We have told her we would add days for her summer vacation so that he learns the responsibility of being on a team and there for every practice and game. A real mom would be excited and want to watch the games.

My heart breaks for skid and I don't want DH to ever pull the stepparent card on me because I have fought harder for this kid than he has. He just knows his ex is crazy and knows its a hassle and that BM really doesn't care about the boy. He justs backs off and if skid misses out he knows it really is her fault.

She plays so many games. Last night she called at the end of her time so DH told skid he needed to get off for homework and dinner. BM told skid its her time and he didn't need to get off the phone and your dad should let me talk to you. Skid of course didn't get off phone. She did that just to see how we would react and pull one over on us. She doesn't allow DH to do anything outside of the court order so why should we be pushovers?