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Adult SK with severe disabilities

witsend71's picture

Do you have a SK with disabilities? This forum is meant to be a positive support for those who are committed to their relationships but struggle with SK or BM/BD issues.

I know that my situation is not likely to change...I just hope it doesn't get any worse. I know my attitude can either help the situation or make it a lot worse. I am so thankful to have this space to speak my mind and not be chastised for having "selfish", "petty", or "jealous" thoughts and to try to find a way to improve the situation.

I know my DH doesn't have a lot of control over the situation with his SD/BM, and is trying to do the best he can. I wish he understood my position better, but he doesn't. At least he is willing to check with me before making schedule changes with BM.

I'd like to hear from others in my's slightly different from the typical blended family...and I feel pretty alone sometimes.