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Getting My PF Ready !!

Sweetnothings's picture

If you are a SM to troublesome skids or like me still troubling ADULT skids !!! You will no doubt already have a PF ( Poker Face ! ) at your disposal. Wth my trip fast approaching in less than two weeks, I am dusting mine off and just checkingif it still works !!! Due to being disengaged from sd21 and living in a different country mine hardly gets used !!! It's a cross between a glazed slightly waxy Happy Stepford wife and a gal who maybe has just had that second Cocktail and is getting that happy buzz on !!! Lol !!

It annoys the crap out of sd21 my PF..... So it must work !!! I don't rise up to the stupid silly comments she makes or react to the poor little me stories. And my PF gets me through her convo hogging, because naturally it's ALL about sd21 !!!! Younger skid and the rest of us lesser, and insignificant mortals must only be mesmerized by her greatness.... NOT !!!

I hope I don't have to slap on my PF with younger skid too, as skid has been broadcasting some PASsed out behaviour recently. I can even ramp up the PF on DH when he tells me the latest news about skids, though he is usually the last to know anything, because sd21 lives on the Internet and shares EVERYTHING there !! With DH I just add a touch of feigned ignorance and innocence, and maybe bigger, cuter eyes !! LOL !!!

So what's your PF like ???


smdh's picture

Mine is a dead stare. It gives me the appearance of looking right through the other person. Its been known to cause people to just stop talking mid-sentence and move on. I like that. Saves me the torture of actually have to hear the inane details. With BM, I just walk away from her. She is the kind of person who will call the police on us one second and pretend we're long lost friends the next. Plus she talks in circles and repeats herself ad nauseum.

I am NOT the servant's picture

I'm sat on the bed (hiding out from SD16) and trying to come up with a PF that will work. I really need one of these!!!

Sweetnothings's picture

My PF has saved the day many a time, you need one asap !! Lol !! Or I would have permanently looked like The Scream by Van Gogh !! Especially when sd21 was at her best about three years ago !!

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

LilyBelle's picture

I have mastered the "teacher look"....

Mine is a smile along with a piercing stare.... my students knew when I started smiling a certain way that someone was about to get busted!!

I haven't perfected my disengaged look yet! Enjoyed reading these!