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Partner still under ex's thumb

jacksway's picture

Has anyone got any advice on how to handle a whipped ass partner! Don't get me wrong, I love my partner dearly and makes me happy. He has a 7 year old, who I don't like her that much but that's another story. LOL!!

My partners ex emotionally blackmails him with seeing his daughter. He has a very high profile job and there has been the odd occasion over the last 4 years (3 in total) when he has rung ex to say he will either be late to pick SD up or will have to pick her up the next day. 3 times in 4 years! Not much really. All three times the ex has told the daughter that Daddy loves his work more than her and therefore will be late cause he's not in a hurry to hang out with her.

Another time it was our weekend to have her and we had arranged to pick her up at 5pm from the ex's place. On our way there (4.45pm) we got a text saying they had gone away for the weekend so if he wanted her he will have to drive up north to get her (3 hours drive). I mean WTF is that about? And of course my partner drove up there......Arrrgghhh!

I appreciate that he wants to see his daughter but he just gets bullied around by the mother. My SD has been in school for 3 years now and not once has my partner been invited to a parent teacher interview, to a school play, nothing. She started soccer last winter and we went to go watch at 10am as that's the time the ex told us, the game was at 9am so we missed it. And then the SD says to us that we want to watch my kids more than her?? I have presumed this idea was entered into her head by her mother.

I could go on forever giving examples of unacceptable behavior on the ex's part.......however the biggest problem though is my partner. Not once during any of these events has he stood up to her or ballz her out about what she is doing. I have tried to get him to stand up to her but he gets scared of what she says to his daughter etc. So he just takes it. It really is irritating and is killing our relationship.

Any advice out there?

Disneyfan's picture

It's time for dad to stop using mom as the middle man.

There's nothing stopping him from calling the school and setting up a time to meet with the teacher. He can check the website or call to find out about school plays and trips.

He can contact the soccer coach to get a game schedule.

He has to stop depending on mom to feed him information that he can get on his own.