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SD...I have a job for you

LPS's picture

So, it's SD sweet 16 the end of next month. I told my DH I would start writing out the envelopes and I did, 2 of them and then I decided, this is NOT my job, SD should be doing this. SD was napping, but I woke her up and said, she should do it. Then I walked out. Next I walked in with the invitations and told her to stuff and lick all the envelopes (I secretly hope she gets a paper cut on her tongue }:) ) LOL. What did she do, she rolled over and went back to sleep, I just walked in there and woke her ass up and told her to do it, I want them all done by tonight.

We ordered special invitations for her, she wasn't even excited when they came, she didn't even show her father. I bought so much stuff on my credit card already, including the invitations and she's so ungrateful, she has no interest in what I bought at all. You would think when DH came home from work she would be so excited to show him all the stuff I bought, but no, and when I ask DH if he wants to see, he also could care less. So why am I busting my ass to buy nice things. I think the next thing that needs to be purchased, my DH can do it after work on on the weekend and let his credit cards start smoking. Mine is already thousands of dollars having to be used to hire an attorney against his ex troll.

I bet it wont get done tonight and I'm not gonna stress, it's her party. If she doesn't want to give her friends enough notice to be there, not my problem. The only problem again is it was my credit card used to put a down payment on the room.


starfish's picture

you can't buy their love or respect. cut your losses and spend NO more. too late to cancel the room?