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The in-laws... Just venting

iqrt's picture

I have a 5yo step daughter. (more or less, dad and I have been together for over 3 years, but we're not actually married.)
SO has a new job and is gone for part of his parenting time with his daughter. We are in need of changing the parenting plan because of this, and BM is being a bitch about the whole thing so it has to go to court. I told my SO that I would NOT be doing the babysitting until he files the paperwork to get visitation changed.

SD is not a particularly easy kid, she's very needy. She needs to be talking constantly, usually with attitude. She refuses to do anything she is supposed to do, and she is constantly jumping around and throwing things everywhere. So it's not like she's no trouble to watch.

Well, I finally stood my ground and said NO she needs to go back to her mom's house if he can't be here with her. So he calls SD's mom.. she doesn't want to take SD back because she is "too sick" to watch her. I told her dad it's not my problem, he needs to find someone to watch her, so he calls his sister. She "has a headache." He asks his parents, they said they're "too busy," and then added that he needs to "man up and tell me how it is" and that I should be more of a mom to this little girl.

Fortunately, my SO had enough common sense to NOT say this to me, since I own the house he lives in and all. He very well may have found himself homeless AND without a babysitter for his daughter!

But really, the girl's own MOTHER doesn't want to watch her. Her GRANDPARENTS don't want to watch her. Her AUNT doesn't want to watch her. Somebody tell me how it is. 'Cause I feel kind of like I'm a saint for watching her the last 3 years when he's needed to go out without her, considering nobody else will..

instantfamily's picture

I feel your pain. My SD6 is exactly like you discuss but more severely emotionally disturbed. I thought I was stepping up becoming a step-mom and taking care of her and SS10. Now I've been to more psychologists appts, psychiatry appts and PCIT than I ever wanted to imagine. It's hard and I don't blame you one bit for putting your foot down. It's freakin' hard. The fam needs to pitch in and BM better get off her ass and accept a change in a parenting plan. You have the reins, use them. Use your leverage while you have it to make him get off his ass and make the legal changes necessary.

PeanutandSons's picture

Cow bird

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

There's actually quite a few--the Cuckoo is another one.

And there's a fish that lays it's eggs around another fish (that is a brooding type of fish--meaning they take care of their young) so that the other fish scoops the eggs up and takes care of them too.

hippiegirl's picture

That's pretty sad when the girl's own blood relatives refuse to watch her! I can't believe grandparents told him to man up and tell you how it is! What asses.