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Kleptomaniac SD8 ...Possibley....

GizmoBarnOwl's picture

It all started sept / oct time last year. I had a lovely silver necklace with the enitial of my name on it which SD8 used to always comment on and admire.

One weekend I left if on SO's draws in his room. Then it vanished. Along with about £30 that SO had left on his shelf.

SO lives in a houseshare, and we knew they both went missing from the same place at the same time. There were a couple of new people who had moved in at the time and SO's is the only room without a lock on the door. We put it down to weirdos in the house and he asked his landlord to put a lock on the door (still hasnt happend but thats another story). Those people have since moved out.

Since then SO has said he has lost the odd £10 here and there and just asumed that it fell out of his pocket and such. (although I was starting to think that he was actually REALLY clumsy!!)

One eve the SKIDS were at my house. SO always leaves his spare change on my shelf in my room. The SKIDS are allowed in my room and often watch DVD's in there when they come. SD really likes some of the orniaments on my shelf and gets them down to have a look.

When it was time to go, it was dark outside, and SD comes up to me and says "look ive just found a penny on the floor". I didnt think much of it and said lucky you or something like that. But when I came in to set my room straight, I realised that the money on my shelf had all been moved around. I wasnt sure exactly how much was up there, but I thought that some was missing. Also how did she find the penny in the dark?

On another occasion SD had been playing with some little kinder egg toys on my daughters table, and they havnt been seen since either. I put it down to my daughter moving them somewhere at the time, but now realise the last person to have them was SD.

Also around November time SO's mobile phone went missing. (I have another blog to do with that and BM getting irrate with me in text because he didnt have a phone) Strangely BM brought him another phone out of the blue. I now wonder if she knew that SD had his one??

More recently SO's wallet containing all of his pass cards for work, driving licence, £40, bank cards (one of them being for an account in my name)and a load of pics of us went missing. The last place it was seen was in my car when he borrowed it, and had the kids in it. He even asked the petrol station to check their cctv to see if it was dropped on the forecourt- it wasnt, and to check that he hadnt left it on the counter, and he hadnt. He got into the car with it, and left without it. The car has been emptied out to see if it was in there and it has gone. SO quite often throws it on the dash board when he gets in the car.

Guess who was sitting in the front seat of the car at the time???

SO mentioned that one of the kids could have taken his things. I told him that I had had the same suspicion a while ago when things started to go missing. The trouble is, he does get quite deffencive if I bring it up, he says that the phone and the wallet couldnt have fit in SD's pockets, and that SS5 would have told on her if he knew anyting about it... Which is true, but it is easy enough to hide it under her coat, plus the phone certainly would have fit in her pocket. But SS5 would have taken great delight in getting his sister into trouble (they're nice like that these kids - but they do it with BM to take the heat off themselves and avoid a beating so I see why they are like that)

SO also thinks that BM would return the items because it costs lots of money to replace the passcards, and she knows how important they are to him ... To which I replied with hysterical laughter! Like hell she would return things rather than invconvenience him!! Especially if some of those thing are linked in any way to me! I wouldnt be at all surprised if BM hadnt put the SKIDS up to it!!!!!

So now I guess the question is, how to prove she is doing this? I did try leaving some money on my daughters table, it didnt get touched. But it is in the living room so quite often people walk through there so she might just not have had the oppertunity. I dont want to leave out anything of value, but I need to know that it is her that is doing it.

And if it is not, I take back everything I have just said, my SO is just clumsy and has bad housemates.... and the pixies at my house / in my car are all REALLY naughty too!

Also forgot to mention, that both mine and SO's sunglasses have also gone missing... Mine were deffo in my car. Pretty peeved as they were polaroid ones I use for driving and NOT cheap! *sigh* ...maybe they'll turn up, you never know.


Ommy's picture

get a camera and set it up.

or confront her. tell her a scary story about a friend daughter who was stealing and got arrested for it because she was caught in a lie. watch her squirm. most likely she has a case of sticky fingers and she needs to be searched before she leaves your home.