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Skids back home

babyallen's picture

I'm so happy they are back and annoyed that the adults over there didn't give one of their med. kids are both on seasonal allergy med because it was bought over the counter I think they don't think they need it. It's a maintness med! Sd told me I'm not sick so I don't need meds, very aggravating. Ss was very upset bm told him one day he would live @ gm and gp's for ever, he had already said he didn't like being gone that long. I told him the judge said he lives with his dad, he then asked if the judge could tell bm please cuz she doesnt know. So skids are back and fdh made it threw his first weekend.
Now he has to go back to doc and get med orders and an asthma action plan which ss is under control we have never had one oh well make them happy.