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His family getting involved..

Big1little1's picture

Hi all

Since my last post, I've started reasoning with my fiance and even told him some of the advice I was given by people here. He has agreed to start disciplining his kids and promises to be harder on them. He also stated that he doesn't want things to go on the way they have been. I actually felt good that he was going to start trying.

Well, he went to visit his mother and sister on the weekend. They basically told him that he can't be hard on the kids because it's not the right thing to do and they won't want to visit if he is hard. So he comes home and tells me this, I lose it, we start fighting... And we're back to where we started.

Why is he listening to these fools when they are not the ones who have to deal with his kids behaviour? I'm really starting to feel like I want to leave, but I feel guilty because I don't want our 19 month old to suffer or hurt. I'm feeling so hurt and depressed. I just want to switch off and ignore him, pretend none of this exists.

Kilgore SMom's picture

Would you let them tell you how to raise you child with DH? Ask DH what he would do if it was ya'lls child together? That theres no was his people are going to tell you how to raise your child so why should they tell him how to raise skids. DH is not in a married relationship with them, hes in one with you. He needs to start asking you not anyone else how to raise kids in ya'lls home.