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Today's happenings

daysleeper's picture

It isn't even 3 PM yet... the real nightmare, I'm sure, will come when SO goes off to work and I'm left alone to babysit SD.

Last weekend, I bought an elliptical machine. Having nowhere else to put it, we decided that it should go in the spare bedroom, which was being used as a playroom for SD. This morning, she came down the stairs and whispered, "Daddyyyyy." I hate that whiny voice, and I hate it even more when it's in that secretive hiss, as if I can't hear what she's saying. She asked him in a whisper what the elliptical machine is, and what it's doing in the playroom. He explained that the playroom is now a multi-purpose room, and she asked who the elliptical is for. He said that it's for grown ups. I think that he was scared to tell her that it was for me, because he knew that she was looking for someone to be upset with.

At lunch, I was eating a chicken wrap, and SD was eating pudding while SO put away groceries. I felt this unnerving uneasiness, so I kept looking over at SD, and every time that I looked over at her, she was staring at me. Finally, I said, "You know, it's quite rude to watch someone else while they eat. It makes them uncomfortable." After she finished her pudding, she ran upstairs, and SO said, "That was snappy." And I said, "Well, it is rude to look. What was a better way of saying that?" and he said, "Asking her to please not do it." Now, I've seen SO say, "It's [insert negative aspect] when you do [thing]", which is why I said it in the first place. UGH. And we have her for President's Day. Daycare on Monday, here she comes...


daysleeper's picture

Look, if SO isn't gonna parent her, well, I'm not her parent, so if what I say is harsh and he wants her to learn a lesson a certain way, he can teach it to her. I'm not gonna treat her like she's special, because honestly, to me, she isn't. She's just a kid, like any other kid, and I would have said that to any kid, including my godson, so I don't get what the big deal is.

daysleeper's picture

That's why I just don't care what he thinks about what I'm doing with SD. I don't have to be around her at all.