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SS19 asking for money

anonymoussm's picture

Well, I haven't been on in a while. As most of you know, my SS19 now lives out of state. He is planning a visit to our state in March. I wrote to my husband about how I felt about him staying at our house with his girlfriend while he is here....(see older blog)...DH has YET to advise him that he and his gf will have to stay in separate rooms while they stay here. I honestly don't want them here at all.

Anyway, SS19 is now asking DH for $ to fix his computer for school. This surprised DH as SS's mommy is ALWAYS paying for whatever his little heart desires....especially when it's something he needs. So I went creeping on his FB page....turns out, he doesn't need the $ for a computer...he needs it to pay a $238 ticket he got for going through a stop sign, and this is the second time that we know of that its happened. DH told SS that he didn't have the extra cash this week cuz it was my birthday (again blame me, as if the kid doesn't hate me enough). I then asked my husband if SS needed it for school or for the ticket he got? DH had no idea he even got a ticket...and hasn't brought it up to me since. I told him that's probably why MOMMY didn't give him the money and now he's lying to DH AGAIN to get what he wants. I sincerely hope that he doesn't ask me for the $ again, because I'm telling him NO!!! I don't have the extra money right now...I'm struggling to just make it by. My daughter is graduating this year and I am stressing about how I'm going to be able to pay for her prom, yearbook, etc. and daughter is mine and my DH's bio kid we have two together. DH isn't even thinking about that's all about SS.


anonymoussm's picture

I'm thinking of suggesting DH tell SS maybe he should postpone his trip up here since money is so tight for SS right now!

bestwife's picture

We let SS24 go to jail for 10 days instead of paying a $350 fine. This was for some kind of arrest (who can keep up with his misdeeds). He doesn't drive so no traffic arrests.

His girlfriend was so pissed. I'm sure he was too but we just ignored him. She called every few hours wanting us to bail him out.